Agenda item
Reports - 21 September 2016
Minutes of the Schools Forum held on
Wednesday 21 September 2016 at The Village School
Attended by Members of the Forum:
Governors: Martin Beard (MB)
Herman Martyn (HM)
Narinder Nathan (NN)
Umesh Raichada (UR)
Head Teachers: Rose Ashton (RA) - Chair
Lesley Benson (LB)
Martine Clark (MC)
Rabbi Yitzchak Freeman (YF)
Rachel Kitley (RK)
Andy Prindiville (AP)
Troy Sharpe (TS)
PRU: Terry Hoad (TH)
PVI Sector: Paul Russell (PR)
Trade Unions: Lesley Gouldbourne (LG)
14-19 Partnership:
Lead Member (C&YP):
Officers: Gail Tolley (GT)
Brian Grady (BG)
Phil Herd (PH)
John Holden (JH)
Devbai Patel (DP)
John Galligan (JG)
Sandra Bingham (SB)
John Frankis (JF)
Others: Mary Adossides (MA) – Observer
Ranjna Shiyani (RS) – Observer
i. Introductions
The Forum commenced at 6.00pm.
RA asked everyone to introduce themselves.
ii. Apologies
Kay Charles
Danny Coyle
Helga Gladbaum
Mike Heiser
Jo Jhally
Sue Knowler
Desi Lodge Patch
Gerard McKenna
Cllr Wilhelmina Mitchell Murray
iii Absence
Melissa Loosemore
Titilola McDowell
iv Membership
Post meeting notes - two new secondary academy head teachers have joined. These are Gerard McKenna and Rachel Kitley.
1 Declarations of Interests
1.1 None
2 Minutes of the meeting held on 15th June 2016 and Matters Arising
2.1 There were no corrections to the minutes therefore they were approved as an accurate record.
3.0 Action Log and Matters Arising
3.1 Decision on split site factor funding. This item was on the agenda as item 7.
4.0 Wembley Learning Zone
The report was for decision
4.1 This paper was presented by SB. This was an annual report to request DSG contribution of £88k to the Wembley Learning Zone (WLZ) running costs. It detailed the type of activities that WLZ provides and the increased activities since 2015-2016. There has been an increase in participation with primary and secondary schools as well as vulnerable groups. The feedback was very positive last year. The objectives remain the same.
4.2 The Schools Forum unanimously decided to contribute Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) last year. The WLZ also collects income from schools and facilities.
4.3 RF said the report was interesting and that the service provided good facilities in 2015-16. He supported the proposal to continue to fund the service. He asked what other income was generated. He also asked if there were any charitable donations. He also asked for a breakdown of expenditure of the £88k allocation from this year. The report stated that a free 6 week multi-sport programme was available to 10 Brent schools. RF asked what criteria is applied to select these schools. MB suggested that the criteria for this selection process should be published and all schools should have the opportunity to apply for the provision.
4.4 SB said she did not have all of this information to hand but it could certainly be brought back for information to forum.
4.5 RA asked for votes on the recommendation to approve the continued DSG allocation to part fund the WLZ for 2017-18 to the sum of £88,000. This was agreed unanimously.
5.0 The Gordon Brown Outdoor Education Centre
This report was for Decision.
5.1 JG presented this report. The report was to request an annual DSG contribution of £60k to support the centre’s annual running costs. The centre has increased its activities since last year and has generated more income from them. The Setting and School Effectiveness Service took over responsibility of the service from April 2016. The centre has recently recruited a new manager and a key area of focus for the coming year will be to address the healthy schools and childhood obesity agenda. The centre will be looking to extend its offers to Brent schools to encourage take-up from secondary and special schools. The Council has previously approved capital funding to replace the Shrubbery dormitory block. This project is currently at the planning stage.
5.2 RA said her school children were currently at the centre and welcomed the replacement of the Shrubbery block as feedback from her staff has indicated that this is much needed. JG said that the programme for replacement of the Shrubbery block aims to carry out the works over the summer holiday of 2017 providing there are no delays with the planning process, noting that the scheme’s pre-planning application has been approved by Hampshire County Council.
5.3 RF asked if apart from £60k DSG, whether there are any other sources of income being explored and if any sponsorships have been sought. JF said that the new centre manager is focused on maximising the income from the centre whilst ensuring a high level of take up by Brent schools. In addition to the income the centre receives from residential and day visits from schools, significant additional income is generated through the provision of holiday activities for children and birthday parties. This additional income contributes to the running costs of the centre. The centre has previously benefited from corporate sponsorship, and the new centre manager has prioritised drawing in corporate sponsors to help maintain and improve facilities.
5.4 UR said it was good to hear the DSG covers 13% of the centre’s running costs and that the task of the new manager was to better meet the needs of Brent’s vulnerable children.
5.5 RA said that the schools receive limited information and marketing from the centre, which in the past has simply been an email in May, before the season starts in September. It would probably attract more schools if there was more advertising. She asked who the head of centre is networking with. JG said that the centre is reviewing its marketing and liaison with Brent schools. A new website is being developed and advisory board is being established to provide feedback from schools and oversight of the centre’s offer. RA said her children are there and attend every year and they love being there.
5.6 RA invited all members to vote on the recommendation to approve the continued DSG allocation to part fund the activities at Gordon Brown Outdoor Education Centre for 2017-18 in the sum of £60,000. This was agreed unanimously.
6.0 Brent Council’s Response to Early Years Consultation (verbal update)
This item was for information.
6.1 GT provided a verbal update on the Early Years Consultation. The DfE has recently announced changes to early years DSG allocations. An early years consultation was published on 11th August with a closing date for responses on 22 September. This period included school and officer holidays. The Council is collating a Brent response after consulting with EY Partners, schools and settings which took place on 8 September. London Councils has circulated their response. The consultation was open to schools and settings to respond. Out of 33 London Boroughs, 9 boroughs will lose funding overall and Brent is one of those that would lose.
6.2 PH added that the core proposal in the consultation is to have one common funding formula applying to all schools and settings. There are some concerns about the impact of this proposal on nursery schools. The announcement by DfE regarding consultation on the other 2 blocks of funding is anticipated later in the term. With early years, about 95% of its total block funding will be required to pass on to providers and will therefore result in pressure on money spent centrally. Out of the 95% of the total early years allocation 90% of the funding will be distributed through local formula by base rate. The new funding formula has to be in place from April 2017.
6.3 LB appreciated that there was a very tight deadline to this consultation. It is clear that nursery schools are under pressure and that this would be captured. She was thankful that DfE acknowledged pressures. She would have liked to have had the local authority’s view to inform her own response. LB identified the number of children with additional needs who attend nursery schools and are funded from early years as an example of the challenge in separating the consultations between Early Years and High Need blocks.
6.4 LB expressed concerned regarding the mechanism on how the formula will be worked out in applying various factors i.e. EAL, SEND. LB was concerned that the emphasis on vulnerable children is diminishing.
6.5 LB suggested that Brent needs to take a view on 30 hours it currently funds. PR commented that 30 hours will be difficult to provide as they rely on additional hours to be sustainable, recognising that schools and settings are under pressure with premises costs, training and other costs.
6.6 PH said that data taken from 2015-16 Section 251 Statement under early years central line showed 20% central spend. This is because some SEN expenditure was shown under this line. In March there was an opportunity to carry out a baseline exercise to adjust each line. Brent’s central spend was therefore amended with more definitive guidance and with a true position which then came to £1.7m which is 8%.
6.7 GT said LA delegates 92% of it funds and the consultation suggests 95%. PVIs and childminders have fed back that they value support provided centrally by Brent Council. Brent will have to work within what is available but is close to the suggested percentage.
6.8 LB said Brent has a legacy of funding 30 hours to children eligible for free school meals. It’s left with LAs if they want to continue to provide this. LB expressed concern that Brent will be restricted to what DfE dictates and there will be no opportunity to build in local flexibility.
6.9 RA said the consultation is open to all schools and settings to respond.
6.10 GT thanked Forum members for a helpful discussion and advice from Schools Forum. LA will make some amendments and respond to the consultation within the limited consultation period. It is expected that the Schools Forum will continue to guide and advise officers into next stages.
6.11 DP reported a challenge in recruiting sufficient members for the early years task and finish group. RA said she would volunteer as a primary head teacher. BG said he would support to contact individuals and encourage them to engage.
7.0 Review of Criteria for Split Site Factor
This report was for decision.
7.1 PH presented this report. He reminded members that at the last Forum a proposal was brought to review the split site criteria. This was due to Brent’s split site factor funding being higher than in other local authorities. Since the previous forum, the DfE had announced that National Funding formula implementation would not occur until at least 2018-2019.
7.2 BG thanked head teachers for responding and providing a significant level of detailed information which were circulated to all Schools Forum members.
7.4.1 The recommendations were to:
a. Defer this decision until the DfE announce their intentions on what may be allowable for this factor from 2018-19;
b. Support the schools affected to present their case to the National Fair Funding Formula Task and Finish group as a representation on behalf of Brent Schools Forum, when this factor is discussed.
7.5 Both of these recommendations were agreed unanimously.
8. School Funding Arrangements 2017-2018
This report was for information.
8.1 JH presented this report. He explained that this report is different from what was anticipated earlier in the year. In July when there was a change in government, one of the items on the very first speech by the Education Minister was that this new funding formula will now apply from 2018-19 and that the 2017-18 funding formula would remain similar to the current year.
8.2 Paragraph 4 onwards is showing a rebaseline exercise. The total does not change but the allocations between blocks changes. Brent receives Education Service Grant (ESG) of £2.8. Out of this £700k is for retained duties and £2.1m was for general funding. The general funding allocation will cease to exist from September 2017. More details will be announced in autumn and Schools Forum will be updated.
8.3 There will be no reduction to High Needs block of funding for 2017-2018.
8.4 The IDACI banding has been switched to the prior version due to concerns being expressed last year by Local Authorities.
8.5 Section 5 of the report emphasises the vacancies on Task and Finish groups. DP reported that the communication did go out on Schools Extranet, Head Teachers Bulletin and Governors bulletin but some of this was before the holidays. Further reminders to be sent and if necessary follow up with emails to individuals. BG will assist with this.
8.6 The following recommendations were noted:
a. note the changes to school funding for 2017 to 2018;
b. note deferment of the impact of the outcome of the March 16 national funding formula consultation to 2018 to 2019;
c. form two task and finish groups (to consider schools block and high needs block funding) to respond to future funding arrangements.
9. AOB
9.1 UR said that the government had published a white paper to delete the positon of parent governors. He mailed the Prime Minister and the government department raising this as a concern. The decision is now reverted for maintained schools but academies still have the power not to have parent governors. There is still more work to be done in this area. He wanted to thank Cate Duffy for supporting him with this. GT confirmed that she would pass on his message to Cate.
The Forum ended at 19:15.
Item No |
Action |
Due |
1 |
SB to provide a breakdown of expenditure of the £88k allocation from this year and details of other income generated especially charitable income. SB to provide the criteria for the free 6 week multi-sport programme and confirm the 10 Brent schools who participated. |
Feb 17 |
Officers |
Supporting documents: