Agenda item
Tubbs Road Traffic Management
At its meeting on 8 December 2009, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the councillor call for action (CCfA) submitted by Councillor James Powney in relation to the traffic issues at Tubbs Road, Kensal Green Ward. Details of the CCfA are included as an appendix to this report. The report sets out the background to the CCfA, the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and provides an update on the implementation of those recommendations.
Tim Jackson (Head of Transportation Unit, Environment and Culture) presented this item which updated Members on the implementation of recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the Highways Committee following a Councillor Call for Action in respect of traffic issue in and around Tubbs Road. Tim Jackson stated that both Tubbs Road and Nightingale Road were residential roads which carried considerable volumes of traffic and he advised that there were no simple solutions to the problems being experienced. Tim Jackson then updated Members on progress on the various measures recommended by the Committee and in particular with regard to banning turns. He advised that the introduction of banned turns would redirect the traffic onto other roads, particularly onto Harlesden High Street which already had very high levels of traffic. In addition, the High Street and Harrow Road formed part of the London’s Strategic Road Network, so any measures affecting traffic volume for these roads would require the approval of Transport for London (TfL) which was unlikely in this instance. There was some progress on other measures suggested, such as installing signage to the A40 via Scrubs Lane and contacting map providers to ensure that the width restriction on Tubbs Road was identified by them, as outlined in the report. However, Tim Jackson advised that most drivers were aware that Tubbs Road provided a short cut and would continue to use the road on a daily basis, therefore the impact of such measures would be limited.
Tim Jackson informed Members that a Harlesden Area Based Scheme was being developed, a long term project that would take a holistic approach to the area, and would include addressing issues in respect of Tubbs Road and residents were involved in its’ Working Group. Whilst there was no quick solution to the issues involved, officers would continue to work with residents and ward councillors to develop the Harlesden Area Based Scheme to address the concerns.
With the approval of the Chair, a member of the public addressed the Committee. The member of the public requested that the Harlesden Area Based Scheme should address phasing of traffic lights to help make it easier for pedestrians to cross the road.
During Members’ discussion, the Chair enquired whether residents were satisfied with the explanations provided and in the Harlesden Area Based Scheme. Councillor Clues agreed that the Tubbs Road issues should be addressed as part of the Harlesden Area Based Scheme and he also suggested that a re-phasing of the traffic lights could improve the situation. Councillor Long stressed the need for a holistic approach and added that residents had complained about difficulties in crossing Tubbs Road at the junction with Station Road, suggesting that re-phasing the lights to give pedestrians more opportunity to cross would be beneficial. Other issues that needed to be addressed included double parking and larger lorries experiencing problems accessing Scrubs Lane because of a weak bridge.
In reply, Tim Jackson advised that residents had accepted the advice provided by officers and were working with them in looking at ways of improving the situation, including involvement in developing the Harlesden Area Based Scheme. In addition, TfL had indicated that they felt the Harlesden Area Based Scheme was worthwhile, although Tim Jackson advised that the current economic situation may impact on funds available for area based schemes. He acknowledged the problems in respect of double parking and the weak bridge limiting access for some lorries to Scrubs Lane and he agreed that he would respond to Councillor Long’s query. Tim Jackson also agreed to write to a resident who had written in seeking clarification on some issues in relation to Tubbs Road.
Supporting documents:
- OS Tubbs Road Traffic Management Report1, item 7. PDF 123 KB
- Appendix A-tubbsrd, item 7. PDF 32 KB
- Appendix B -Report to the Highway Committee 19_01_10, item 7. PDF 100 KB
- Appendix D - Traffic Surveys, item 7. PDF 10 MB
- Appendix E - Existing signage A1 plan, item 7. PDF 1 MB