Agenda item
Sustainability and Transformation Plan
This report sets out the North West London STP priorities, how they align with the Brent STP priorities, the approach to delivering these and the financial implications associated with the proposals.
1. Cabinet noted the STP submission for North West London.
2. Cabinet welcomed the principles adopted within the STP of prevention, out of hospital care, dealing with the social care funding gap and the need to work across the public sector to maximise benefits from changes to the NHS and other public sector estate.
3. Cabinet noted that the STP will need formal sign off by the end of December and that between October and December the following issues need to be clarified both within the submission and through other NHS processes, in order for the council to give full support for the plan:
a. That the IMBC on which delivery area 5 is based is released, debated and understood;
b. That the flow of monies from acute to out of hospital settings are clarified;
c. That the specification for out of hospital settings, in particular social care, are clarified
based on an agreed model of out of hospital care;
d. That a full risk assessment for the plan and relevant mitigations are included.
Councillor Krupesh Hirani, Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, introduced the report stating that NHS England has published the Five Year Forward View (FYFV), setting out a vision for the future of the NHS.
He stated that planning guidance released in December 2015 set out the requirement for local areas to develop a Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) to help local organisations plan how to deliver a better health service that will address the FYFV ‘Triple Aims’ of improving people’s health and wellbeing, address the quality of care which people receive and to address the financial gap.
Councillor Hirani informed Members that this is a new approach across health and social care to ensure that health and care services are planned over the next 5 years and focus on the needs of the place where people live, rather than individual organisations.
It was noted that there are tangible benefits for areas with good STPs through the newly established Sustainability and Transformation Fund (STF).
Councillor Hirani stated that at North West London level, the Strategic Planning Group has been responsible for developing the joint proposals and planning at the system level.
This has included bringing together local plans into the Sustainability and Transformation Plan for North West London. The STP describes plans at different levels of ‘place’ – across the whole system in North West London, from the local to the sub-regional, as appropriate.
In parallel to the NW London SPG, a local Brent STP Planning Group was established, comprising Council, CCG, acute, community and mental health provider, Health watch and Brent CVS representatives to develop a local STP. Brent continues to evolve and contribute to the completion of the full NW London STP whilst working to implement Brent specific priorities aligned to the NW London STP. The local version of the STP focusses on how Brent will achieve the triple aim locally. The Brent STP therefore represents Brent’s overarching 5-year strategy and implementation plans to improve health and well-being, the quality of services provided, and achieves financial sustainability. It is a triangulation of existing plans, plus new initiatives where gaps in existing plans have been identified, and where we believe a different approach to joint working can make a real difference to people in Brent.
Councillor Hirani stated that it is proposed that the Brent STP will be the overarching strategic plan for Brent. The STP has to reflect and respond to three gaps: Health and Wellbeing, Care and Quality and Finance and Efficiency.
Therefore, it makes sense that these sections reflect updated health and wellbeing priorities and Better Care Fund (primarily focused on Care and Quality) priorities. However, it is important to note that this is an evolving process. The NW London and Brent STP priorities are designed to accelerate the pace of integration through strengthening collaboration between commissioners, providers and partners to address the triple aims of the Five Year Forward View.
Councillor Hirani stated that the partnership nature of STP requires that the responsibility for overseeing the development and implementation of the STP priorities and deliverables is through the Brent Health and Well Being Board locally. To this end, the Health and Well Being Board has recently reviewed and extended its membership to include key partners such as London North West Hospitals Trust and Central and North West London Foundation Trust to ensure effective governance arrangements underpinning the STP.
This report sets out the North West London STP priorities, how they align with the Brent STP priorities, the approach to delivering these and the financial implications associated with the proposals.
1. Cabinet noted the STP submission for North West London.
2. Cabinet welcomed the principles adopted within the STP of prevention, out of hospital care, dealing with the social care funding gap and the need to work across the public sector to maximise benefits from changes to the NHS and other public sector estate.
3. Cabinet noted that the STP will need formal sign off by the end of December and that between October and December the following issues need to be clarified both within the submission and through other NHS processes, in order for the council to give full support for the plan:
a. That the IMBC on which delivery area 5 is based is released, debated and understood;
b. That the flow of monies from acute to out of hospital settings are clarified;
c. That the specification for out of hospital settings, in particular social care, are clarified
based on an agreed model of out of hospital care;
d. That a full risk assessment for the plan and relevant mitigations are included.
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