Agenda item
Employment, Skills and Enterprise Strategy 2015-20, One Year On
In April 2015, Cabinet approved the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Strategy 2015-20, with an associated action plan. It was also agreed that an update would be provided one year on to Scrutiny Committee.
Members considered an update on the 2015-20 Employment, Skills and Enterprise Strategy. Councillor Mashari (Lead Member for Regeneration and Employment, Growth and Skills) who was present for this item introduced Ray Shilling, Assistant Principal of the College of North West London and Bally Janagal, District Operations Manager for Jobcentre Plus. Councillor Mashari stated that this was the first such strategy for Brent and it was an ambitious document with a focus on employment.
In answer to questions by members of the committee, Councillor Mashari stated that a key aspect of the strategy was the provision of apprenticeships for young people and ensuring local people benefitted. Vacancies for apprenticeship positions were promoted through Brent Works. She agreed with a point made that more work could be done with the creative industries both in the borough and across West London. It was agreed that targets related to this work would be shared with members of the committee. Matt Dibben, Head of Employment, Skills and Enterprise explained that it was necessary to win the hearts and minds of young people to attract them into positive apprenticeships. It was recognised that for successful apprenticeships it was important that at the end of them good quality jobs were available.
It was agreed to share with committee members the targets for creating apprenticeships, taking account of the view expressed that these should be ambitious and reflect a range of training that would create opportunities for high quality jobs; and to provide a breakdown of current apprenticeships and the type of jobs they aim to get people into.
The need was acknowledged for more work to be done with schools to provide creative careers advice that moved away from focussing on gaining a place at university. In response to a question regarding what was being done for the over 50s out of work it was explained that Brent Start focused on the over 40s and work was being done with the Job Centres to provide more support for the over 50s. With regard to working with ex-offenders it was explained that a multi agency approach was being pursued to provide a pathway to get people back into work but that greater integration between services was needed. It was suggested that a report could be presented in six months’ time on this activity.
Acknowledging the many initiatives being pursued, the question was asked what was the overall strategy for pulling all the work together and ensuring it was felt beyond the big regeneration areas in the borough. Councillor Mashari responded that the The Employment, Skills and Enterprise Partnership ensured there were targets and that the strategy continued to be a working document. The view was expressed that some messages needed to be communicated more effectively, especially to young people about the regeneration and growth taking place in the borough and why this could be of benefit to them. It was felt that there needed to be a stronger message to young people about the benefits of apprenticeships and more publicity about the opportunities available.
Reference was made to the Council's outcome based review of work on regeneration and how scrutiny might be involved in the work coming out of this.
that the report be noted and the committee's comments be acknowledged in taking forward the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Strategy.
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