Agenda item
Land at the Junction of Brondesbury Park & Christchurch Avenue Christchurch Avenue, London (Ref.16/0169)
Granted planning permission subject to conditions as recommended.
PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing single storey nursery building and erection of a part three part four storey building to provide educational accommodation for use by Marylebone Boys' School for a temporary period of 2 years until September 2018, with associated works to include fenced multi-games area (MUGA), car and cycle parking spaces, creation of vehicular and pedestrian access, boundary alterations and hard and soft landscaping.
RECOMMENDATION: Grant planning permission subject to conditions as set out in the Draft Decision Notice and additional conditions on bus capacity and windows.
Angus Saunders (Area Planning Manager) outlined the scheme and with reference to the supplementary report responded to issues raised at the site visit. In respect of the relationship between the proposed school and Marada House, he recommended imposition of a condition to secure an undertaking from the applicant that the windows would be obscure glazed. He added that the temporary structure proposed would not have a materially harmful impact on the outlook of neighbouring residents. He then referred to the list of objections set out in the supplementary report adding that the issues raised had been addressed in the main report. The Area Planning Manager advised members that Transport for London (TfL) were yet to confirm whetherthere was likely to beanimpactonthecapacityofbusroutesservingthe school. In the absence of the confirmation, he recommended a further condition to address this as set out in the supplementary report.
In accordance with the provisions of the Planning Code of Practice, Councillor Warren (ward member) stated that he was addressing the Committee in place of Councillor Shaw but he had not been approached. Councillor Warren stated that although he was not against the principle of the development, he raised the following three issues of concerns:
a) Flawed Travel Plan.
b) The proposed four storey building would be out of character with the properties in the area and represented an overdevelopment of the site.
c) Noise nuisance from the pupils would result in a detrimental impact on the quality of life of the residents in the area.
d) Impact on the local highways network and public transport in an area with a moderate PTAL rating.
Kieron Porter (applicant’s architect) in responding to the issues raised by the ward member stated that adequate measures including a Travel Plan would be put in place to ensure that the development would not result in parking problems whilst a separate vehicle access would address road safety concerns. He added that the massing and design of the proposed development accorded with guidelines and standards and ensured it was not out of character. The applicant’s architect continued that the provision of outside playing space coupled with planting in and around the site would minimise any potential noise from pupils.
In response to members’ questions, the applicant’s architect stated that any potential pollution via the heating and cooling system would be addressed by natural ventilation measures. Although he did not have the figures for Brent residents who would be attending the school, he stated that most of the pupils would be drawn from the local area and other pupils who lived outside of the area would be encouraged to use public transport including the tube stations nearby. Tony Kennedy (Head of Transportation) stated that from highways perspective, there would be no detrimental impact on the surrounding roads.
DECISION: Granted planning permission subject to conditions as recommended - (7 in support; 1 abstention).
Supporting documents:
- 4- Land, Junction of Brondesbury Park and Christchurch Ave, item 4. PDF 637 KB
- 4 Land Junction Brond and Christchurch Ave, item 4. PDF 103 KB