Agenda item
SEND reforms and implementation
This report sets out the key changes arising from The Children and Families Act which came into effect on 1st September 2014, and provides an update on Brent’s progress in delivering the national programme of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) reforms.
The committee considered the report on key changes arising from the Children and Families Act and updating members on Brent’s progress in delivering the national programme of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) reforms.
Gail Tolley (Strategic Director, Children and Young People) introduced the report by stressing the partnership approach between the Council and health providers in delivering the SEND joint commissioning strategy action plan. She also pointed out that this was another area in which schools were having to implement new requirements.
With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Carmen Coffey (Head of Pupil and Parent Services) explained the changes that had taken place and what they meant in practice. She outlined the key responsibilities placed on councils and governors and how the SEND 0-25 framework was being implemented.
In answer to a reference to the 20 week target for completing assessments, it was stated that the Council was meeting the target in 90% of cases. This was down from 100% under the previous framework but it was hoped it could be improved upon. Similarly the 2 year target for converting learning difficulty assessments to an education, health and care plan was acknowledged as challenging but achievable.
The point was made that completed care plans were bulky and not practical for everyday use and it was explained that work had already been done with schools to improve the production of these plans. The number of 2, 3 and 4 year olds with statements was reported as being very low (less than 5), but the new code extended the age range so that the range of issues broadening into care needs would be addressed, some of which would benefit from early intervention. A request was made for the number of children with neuro-developmental disorders who had a statement or plan.
The committee was re-assured that schools were resourced to cope with implementing the new arrangements and Karen Giles (Head of Barham Primary School) outlined the support schools were able to offer. The point was made that facilities in Brent were good and that the Village School was a leading school in providing support.
In answer to a question regarding physical accessibility of schools, it was explained that all schools were responsible for ensuring their premises were accessible but some operated from old buildings that were expensive to adapt and so were not fully accessible.
It was explained that the biggest reason for rejecting drawn up plans was the lack of information submitted and that more plans were agreed than rejected. Information on this could be made available. The point was made that external organisations were able to play a role in developing plans for children and Carmen Coffey explained that independent support existed for parental support and capacity with the voluntary sector was being developed. She stated that through the joint commissioning planning this point would be taken account of and the contribution from the voluntary sector would be welcomed.
The committee was informed that Carmen Coffey would soon be retiring and wished her well for the future.
Requests for information:
· the number of children with nuero-developmental disorders who had a statement or plan.
· figures on the number of rejections for EHC plans and the outcomes at Tribunal level, if possible on a geographical basis within the borough.
(i) that the progress on implementing SEND reforms and the areas to be developed be noted;
(ii) that issues identified within the report be identified for reporting back in more detail to future meetings of the appropriate scrutiny committee.
Supporting documents:
- SEND, item 7. PDF 165 KB
- EHCP template 2016, item 7. PDF 193 KB
- Transition plan Sept 2015, item 7. PDF 101 KB
- SEND Joint commissioning Action Plan, item 7. PDF 239 KB