Agenda item
Review of charges to recycling and green waste collections
Scrutiny Committee resolved that a review of the garden waste service should be held following a period of 9 months. This report presents that review.
Councillor Southwood introduced the report as being useful to the review of the service, and she admitted that there had been initial challenges to overcome. She was pleased to report that direct debit arrangements were now being introduced. Chris Whyte (Operational Director, Environmental Services) added that some customer handling issues were initially dealt with poorly during March/April 2015 when an increased number of complaints had been received but this had now settled down as residents understood the rationale behind the changes and more had signed up than had been anticipated. He stated that the new service had engineered waste streams down.
Members asked why biodegradable sacks were not sold to those people not able to have a bin. They asked how those people living in flats who could not have a bin could be provided with a garden waste service? The committee asked that the implications on the existing waste contract of enhancing the garden waste recycling scheme by providing the additional option of purchasing biodegradable bags be explored and reported back to committee.
The use of the Cleaner Brent app was discussed. The benefit of the app was recognised but awareness and use of it was patchy across the borough. It was noted that the Council would be mounting a publicity campaign on its use and it was suggested that an officer be present at public forums such as Brent Connects to assist anybody wanting to download the app. Members asked to be informed on the geographical spread of the alerts received from the app on a ward basis.
Questions were asked on how intelligence gathering regarding flytipping incidents was logged and whether this could be made available on a ward by ward basis. Concern was expressed that the same hotspots for fly tipping existed and it was suggested that this was because of a lack of prosecutions and a lack of liaison between the housing service and waste services. The committee agreed that an item should be included in the work programme on reviewing how landlord licensing had impacted on creating a cleaner environment.
A member raised the issue of the disposal of Christmas trees and it was agreed that for next year consideration should be given to providing an improved service.
Members express concern that, at time of writing the report, Q3 data was not available and requested that this be provided to them.
A request was made for the number of people taking delivery of a composting bin to be divided between wards and made available to members of the committee.
Questions were asked around how it had been established that the amount of green waste had fallen and whether or not it had merely transferred to residual waste. Consideration was given to the contractual arrangements regarding the increased take up of the service, investment in additional resources and the financial benefit to the Council. Concern was expressed that approximately one third of the £120k raised over and above the cap had benefitted Veolia rather than the Council. An explanation was sought on exactly how the money had been divided up, who had authorised it and when this action was taken.
A request was made for average waste per household figures covering the borough and the number of households each refuse vehicle passed per day to be supplied to members.
Requests for information
· the geographical spread of the alerts received from the Cleaner Brent app on a ward basis.
· Provision of Q3 performance data
· the number of people taking delivery of a composting bin divided between wards
· explanation of how the additional revenue generated by the increased take-up of the service had been dealt with
· average waste per household figures covering the borough and the number of households each refuse vehicle passed per day
(i) that the review of the garden waste service changes be noted;
(ii) that the implications on the existing waste contract of enhancing the garden waste recycling scheme by providing the additional option of purchasing biodegradable bags be explored and reported back to committee;
(iii) that an item be included on the committee’s work programme on reviewing how landlord licensing had impacted on creating a cleaner environment;
Supporting documents: