Agenda item
Budget scrutiny panel report
A Budget Scrutiny Panel was put together by Brent’s Scrutiny Committee Chair, Councillor Matt Kelcher, in December 2015, to analyse and scrutinise the proposed budget for Brent Council for the financial year beginning in April 2016. This report summarises some of the Panel’s broad thoughts about the direction and content of the Council’s budget.
Councillor Kelcher presented the report, stating that for future years he was keen to ensure that scrutiny members played a bigger role in the budget discussions at an earlier stage in the process. He expressed his disappointment that the budget report presented to Council in November 2015 did not mention any input from Scrutiny.
Councillor Pavey responded by addressing the recommendations set out in the report. He stated that he agreed that future budget scrutiny should start earlier. He noted the concern on the proposed saving in road and pavement repairs. He was pleased that income generation had been referenced because this reflected the priority given to it by the Cabinet. Councillor Pavey agreed that new opportunities to raise income needed to be pursued and that more information on this might have been included in the report to Cabinet. He agreed that the time had come to consider increasing the level of Council Tax. He took responsibility for the absence of reference to scrutiny in the budget reports. With reference to the comment that the budget lacked a strategic approach, Councillor Pavey accepted this only to the point that at this stage it was intended to open the issues for consultation.
Members discussed maximising income by carrying out more enforcement but at the same time providing a self financing community benefit rather than simply looking at the fee structure.
The committee was informed that work was being undertaken to look at the those areas where fees and charges already existed but the service could be provided more efficiently, thereby increasing the profit element without increasing the charge.
It was suggested by members of the committee that more could be done to lever in national bodies to carry out pieces of work within the borough.
Reference was made to the Government allocating capital monies to local authorities for dealing with road repairs (potholes). A request was made for details of how Brent’s allocation of £300,000 had been put to use. A more general request was made for information on the Council’s highways maintenance budget and the approach adopted to different aspects of the programme. Members were interested to see how the programme might join up with other aspects such as how gully cleaning might be prioritised if it was related to preventing local flooding.
A suggestion was made that the use of facilities at the Civic Centre could be made more attractive if better parking provision was made such as by negotiating with surrounding businesses for use of parking space. Reference was made to the development of a Civic Enterprise strategy through which many of the issues raised by the committee could be developed.
Members requested details of the work being carried out on looking at various ring-fenced budgets and other resources being held for specific purposes to be reported to Scrutiny Committee.
The issue of procurement was raised and whether some services could be better procured. Members elaborated their criticism that budget paper did not present a coherent strategic view or address issue such as value for money and productivity. Councillor Pavey responded that he would be happy to further discuss the issues around procurement. He re-iterated that the report was meant to open up the budget debate to public consultation and the issues the Council would face in the longer term.
Requests for information:
· How Brent’s allocation of £300,000 for dealing with road repairs (potholes) had been put to use
· the approach adopted to different aspects of the highways maintenance programme and how it relates to other preventative work
(i) that the comments of the Budget Scrutiny Panel regarding budget proposals for the period 2016 and future years be noted;
(ii) that future budget scrutiny activity be started earlier in the budget setting process from September onwards and engages scrutiny members in the development of proposals;
(iii) that the future review of income generation activities following work being undertaken by the Chief Executive to develop proposals be considered by the Scrutiny Committee;
(iv) that it be recommended that a direct debit scheme be put in place for the green bin service;
(v) that the Cabinet be requested to reconsider the proposed saving in relation to road and pavement repairs and consider alternative ways of maintaining safe roads and pavements;
(vi) that the Council be recommended to consider raising council tax levels by the maximum 2 per cent allowably by the government with a focus on providing additional resources to protect services for the most vulnerable and as part of this the Council should review the Council Tax support scheme to ensure that the impact is minimised for those in financial hardship;
(vii) that details of the work being carried out on looking at various ring-fenced budgets and other resources that were being held for specific purposes be reported to Scrutiny Committee.
Supporting documents: