Agenda item
Services for Women In and Exiting Prostitution
The attached report represents the finding and recommendations of the Services for Women In and Exiting Prostitution task group.
Councillor John, Chair of the Services for Women In and Exiting Prostitution Task Group introduced the report. She began by explaining that the task group had been set up following the publication of Eaves POPPY Project’s Big Brothel – A survey of the off-street sex industry in London. The task group had covered many issues and because of the complexities involved, it had been working for over a year. Although the police did not regard prostitution as a high priority issue, many women who engaged in prostitution faced very difficult situations and this could involve coercion, drugs and alcohol dependency, trafficking and internet grooming. Members heard that overall, the vast majority of women had not gone into prostitution as a lifestyle choice. Councillor John informed Members that the task group had been in contact and visited a number of organisations, including Safe Exit, the Eaves POPPY Project, the Metropolitan Police Clubs and Vice, the Suffolk Constabulary, Make a Change Ipswich, Archant London and the Council’s Environmental Health.
Councillor John continued that the possible use of Wembley Stadium during the 2012 Olympics would mean a likely increase in prostitution activities in the local area and also an increase in organised crime, including trafficking. She then circulated to Members copies of sex industry advertisements that had appeared in a local Brent newspaper. One of the recommendations from the task group had included that Brent local newspapers be encouraged not to include any pictures or any reference to age or ethnicity in advertisements relating to the sex industry and that Brent local newspapers agree to carry a prevention and deterrent advertisement next to sex industry advertisements. Another issue that needed to be addressed was demand and more research as to why men chose to visit prostitutes. More research into the extent of prostitution in Brent was also required and Councillor John circulated a map of known brothels in Brent. Councillor John commented that those police who the task group had worked with had made significant contributions and that the work was supported by Mark Toland, the Borough Commander and the Eaves POPPY Project. She asked that the Council continue working with its partners to pursue this issue and Members were also encouraged to support continuation of this work. Councillor John then drew Members’ attention to the task group’s recommendations as set out in the report.
Members agreed to a request from Councillor Dunwell to address the Committee. He suggested that a page be placed in Brent Magazine providing information and useful contact numbers to those wishing to escape prostitution.
During discussion, Councillor Thomas suggested that the work of the task group be referred to Brent’s Local Strategic Partners (LSP). He commented that a possible stumbling block to one of the task group’s aims was that some local newspapers received a significant proportion of income from sex industry advertisements. He also enquired if all London boroughs involved in the 2012 Olympics would be meeting to discuss ways of addressing the likely increase in prostitution during this time. Councillor Clues, a member of the task group, felt that it had addressed a very important issue and the task group had worked effectively with its partners. He stressed the need to reinforce the message to the Executive how important it was that this issue be tackled and that it underpinned a number of factors that needed to be looked at.
The Chair also welcomed the work undertaken by the task group and advised that the recommendations to the Executive would be tracked, with a follow-up report due to go back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee within the next six months. She commented that any future progress also depended on the Council’s partners and she enquired how this would be taken forward and whether this would be considered by the Crime Prevention Strategy Group. She also asked how the recommendations with regard to Brent’s local newspapers would be progressed.
In reply, Councillor John advised Members that local newspapers had guidelines in place with regard to sex industry advertisements, however it was important that newspapers be encouraged to follow their own guidelines and she suggested that the Crime Prevention Group could play a role in ensuring this. It was noted that the task group had met with organisations involved in the 2012 Olympics and one of their recommendations was that the Council and partners continue the work started by the task group.
Jacqueline Casson (Senior Policy Officer, Policy and Regeneration Unit) advised that Crime Prevention Group, as part of the LSP, had discussed the report and endorsed the recommendations. Cathy Tyson (Assistant Director – Policy, Policy and Regeneration Unit) added that the task group report could also be sent to the LSP Executive for information.
Members then endorsed the recommendations of the task group and agreed that an extra recommendation be added to include that a notice be placed in Brent Magazine providing information and useful contact numbers to those wishing to exit prostitution.
(i) that the Services for Women In and Exiting Prostitution task group report be noted;
(ii) that the Services for Women In and Exiting Prostitution task group recommendations be agreed and to include an additional recommendation that a notice be placed in Brent Magazine providing information and useful contact numbers to those wishing to exit prostitution; and
(iii) that the report be passed to the Executive for approval.
Supporting documents:
- Services for Women O S cover report (2), item 8. PDF 92 KB
- Services for Women Exiting Prostitution Final draft for O S (2), item 8. PDF 767 KB