Agenda item
Neighbourhood Working January 2009 - January 2010
The report details the work of the Neighbourhood Working Team between January 2009 and January 2010. It sets Neighbourhood Working in the context of local initiatives to improve the way the council operates and the broader context of local and national elections. Expenditure is reported and analysed and a more in-depth picture of some projects is included by way of case studies. Results of consultation and actions taken to address the results are included, with a particular emphasis on joint activities with partners. The report reviews the actions taken over the last year by Neighbourhood Working and identifies issues to be addressed over the coming year.
Councillor Sneddon (Lead Member for Human Resources and Diversity and Local Democracy and Consultation) introduced the report and explained that there had been a broadening in scope and number of Neighbourhood Working projects since the last report to the Committee. There were also more examples of partnership working and some partnerships were still being developed.
Christine Collins (Neighbourhood Working Manager, Policy and Regeneration) then went into some detail concerning certain aspects of the report. Beginning with communications, she explained that there had been a number of activities to increase engagement, including:-
- Regular schedule of walkabouts with Members with a more targeted approach to ensure that contact was made with a larger number of people
- Increased contact in schools to improve engagement with young people who were usually under-represented in consultation responses
- Increased number of partnership days and events
- Neighbourhood Working Team participation at festivals and events over summer and also at Eid and Diwali celebrations to increase engagement with Asian communities who had been under-represented in consultation responses
- Team attendance at community groups and Tenants and Residents’ Associations meetings
- Working closely with the Consultation Team to develop ways to make Area Consultative Forums (ACFs) more interactive and representative, including the piloting of a ward-based approach at the November 2009 meeting of the Wembley ACF where for part of the meeting it was split into small ward groups, each chaired by a ward member
- Continuation of Neighbourhood Bullletins
- Since April 2009, a quarterly update provided for internal colleagues
Christine Collins then outlined some of the challenges facing Neighbourhood Working. Members heard that each Neighbourhood Working Co-ordinator was working in five wards since April 2009, meaning there was less time for each ward and therefore less time for project development. The Team were considering ways to encourage service area colleagues to take more responsibility for project development and management. Christine Collins advised that although Members and officers might have certain issues they wanted addressed through Neighbourhood Working, in some instances these would not necessarily fall within its scope. For example, they may not meet the priorities set by ward members or it was more appropriate that they be met by another budget. Christine Collins stressed that although it was important that Neighbourhood Working was member led, it needed to operate within a robust legal and procedural framework. Although the success of individual projects could be measured, it was not yet possible to identify major long term improvements to the way services were delivered through Neighbourhood Working and this would be measured through service reviews. Christine Collins also advised of the need to consider different ways of working in 2010/11 in light of delay to when funds would be allocated because of the Elections. It was suggested that members could be assisted by choosing from a shopping list of costed projects based on identified resident priorities. However, Members would still have the opportunity to include their own ideas and a problem-solving approach to individual issues would continue.
With the agreement of the Chair, Councillor Dunwell addressed the Committee. He commented that the splitting of ACFs into small ward groups had also been tried at a meeting of the Kingsbury and Kenton ACF some time ago. He stressed that Neighbourhood Working should continue to be member led.
During discussion, Councillor Clues also emphasised the need for Neighbourhood Working to continue to be member driven. Councillor Thomas commented that members should be proactive in their role and he felt that the shopping list suggestion could detract from this. He suggested that there be an annual report of Neighbourhood Working sent to all councillors and that it include a breakdown of spending for each ward. He felt that where wards were represented by councillors from more than one political group, more careful consideration was needed with regard to Neighbourhood Working activities.
The Chair suggested that projects identified for a ward that were yet to be undertaken could be considered for 2010/11. She sought clarification with regard to a Neighbourhood Working annual report as suggested by Councillor Thomas. The Chair also enquired if the Wembley ACF splitting the meeting by wards arrangement would be tried at other ACF meetings.
In reply, Councillor Sneddon agreed that it was important that Neighbourhood Working was member led and he stated that there were a number of other ways as well as the shopping list suggestion that were being considered.
Christine Collins advised that the shopping list idea had been suggested to help members decide on priorities and was also useful as it included costings. In addition, in some wards members sometimes sought inspiration for ideas and asked for details of projects in other wards. Members heard that the Wembley ACF splitting of the meeting by wards arrangement would be considered for other ACF meetings. Christine Collins confirmed that an annual report on Neighbourhood Working could be distributed to all councillors in June of each year and she stated that an update on budget spending could be provided for information at the March meeting of the Committee and this was agreed by Members.
Cathy Tyson added that because of the rolling programme nature of Neighbourhood Working, it would be difficult to provide a comparison of spending by ward. She advised the Committee that the shopping list suggestion was not put forward as a primary way of working and that it could be used at a later stage if there was difficulty in deciding on projects or it there were funds remaining in a budget before the end of a financial year.
(i) that the report on Neighbourhood Working January 2009 – January 2010 be noted; and
(ii) that an update on budget spending on Neighbourhood Working be circulated to Members.
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