Agenda item
One Stop Service Redesign Project Update
This report updates elected members on the following matters concerning the One Stop Service Redesign Project in furtherance of the report submitted to Overview and Scrutiny on 9th July 2009:
· The achievement of efficiency savings identified through the business case for the One Stop Service Redesign project.
· Customer contacts received via the self service facilities as part of the One Stop Service Redesign including the nature of enquiries received and any increases and decreases in particular service uses.
Graham Ellis (Director of Business Transformation) introduced the report which considered how the One Stop Service would be provided in the long term. Graham Ellis explained that the One Stop Service Redesign Project had initially been part of the Customer Contact Transformation Programme, however this project was now part of the Reshaping Customer Contact Gold Project which included a comprehensive approach to improving all areas of customer service. Members heard that of the £479,00 identified for efficiency savings by 2011, £300,000 savings had already been achieved and the remaining £179,000 planned for achievement in 2010/11 was on schedule.
During discussion, Councillor Thomas acknowledged the need for changes to the One Stop Service, however he commented that he was not surprised that a proportion of customers wanted the Harlesden One Stop Service to remain open in its existing format. He suggested that the proposed sign posting to the relevant services might not always be understood by customers and he felt the underlying aim of a number of initiatives was to achieve savings. He felt that a number of difficulties needed to be overcome and he asked how the impact of the changes would be monitored. Councillor Thomas also suggested that a review of the changes be reported back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Councillor Clues enquired what assurances could be given to meet the needs of vulnerable people who were more difficult to reach.
The Chair also enquired how the wishes of those customers responding with regard to the Harlesden One Stop Service be addressed. The Chair sought views with regard to possible redundancies and what training would be undertaken.
In response, Graham Ellis emphasised the need to reduce face to face customer contact and make greater use of other forms of communication. Members noted that there was presently a greater proportion of face to face customer contact in the south part of the Borough despite there being less provision of this type of customer contact there. Members heard that different measures were being considered in different areas and Graham Ellis acknowledged that in some cases face to face contact was more appropriate. He advised that achieving savings was an important objective of the project, however he felt that services could also be improved. These objectives could both be achieved by cutting unnecessary customer contact and he cited changes that had recently been made to Revenues and Benefits which had resulted in improved efficiency and customer service by looking at processes and reducing the number of times a customer needed to contact the service. With regard to redundancies, Graham Ellis acknowledged that there may be some as a result of the review, however these would be minimised by measures such as not replacing positions made vacant that had been occupied by agency staff. Relevant training programmes were already in place for staff with regard to changes and an emphasis would be placed in ensuring that each process worked from beginning to end. Members noted that proposals were in the process of being considered prior to a report being put to the Executive.
Members agreed that a future report providing a review of the changes be put before the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in approximately nine months time and that it include details of how the service was provided to vulnerable people and how the service was performing in the south of the Borough.
(i) that the report on One Stop Service Redesign Project Update be noted; and
(ii) that a report of a review of the changes be provided to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in approximately nine months time and that it include information on how the service is provided to vulnerable people and how the service is performing in the south of the Borough.
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