Agenda item
Budget 2015/16 and 2016/17
This report provides an update on the financial position for the next two financial years and sets out the draft officer savings proposals for initial consideration.
i) that the financial position and its implications as detailed in the report from the Chief Finance Officer be noted;
ii) that the draft officer savings proposals summarised in Appendix One and detailed in Appendix Two be noted;
iii) that consultation be carried out with residents, the voluntary and community sector, local businesses and other groups as necessary on the draft savings proposals and their consequences.
With the permission of the Chair, Mr Dunwell addressed the committee, indicating his support of the council undertaking necessary efficiency savings and specifically, for the cessation of the Ward Working budget and the Brent Connects forums.
Councillor Pavey (Deputy Leader) introduced the report from the Chief Finance Officer which updated members on the financial position for the 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years. He advised that the council was required to make savings of £54m over this period in order to deliver a balanced budget. Draft officer savings proposals totalling £60m were set out in the report for initial consideration by the Cabinet. In drafting these proposals, officers had been instructed to identify as many different options as possible to enable choices to be made between difficult policies. Councillor Pavey advised that the proposals included some positive and innovative ideas; however, these alone could not deliver the level of savings required and difficult decisions would have to be made in order to meet the unprecedented financial challenge. With the agreement of the Cabinet, a period of consultation and public engagement would be held, the outcome of which would inform the subsequent decisions taken by the Cabinet in developing the budget for 2015/16 - 2016/17.
The Chair invited contributions from councillors and members of the public in attendance at the meeting.
Councillor Warren raised concerns regarding the plausibility of some of the savings options detailed in the report, the inclusion of which he felt had raised public anxiety. Members of the public expressed their distress regarding the proposal to close the New Millennium Day Centre. Users of the facility emphasised that the centre provided an essential function and the closure of the centre would significantly and negatively affect many people. Further concerns were expressed by members of the public and representatives of the Brent Youth Parliament regarding the consequences of cutting youth services. Mr Lorber suggested that the ceremonial position of the Mayor could be cut to provide additional savings to the council.
The Leader welcomed the comments made and emphasised the importance of the proposed consultation. Members expressed that it was necessary to consider all savings options to ensure that the services required by those most in need were protected. The council was having to examine every possibility, including the cessation of services, delivering services through alternative models and enhancing income generation.
(i) that the financial position and its implications as detailed in the report from the Chief Finance Officer be noted;
(ii) that the draft officer savings proposals summarised in Appendix One and detailed in Appendix Two be noted;
(iii) that consultation be carried out with residents, the voluntary and community sector, local businesses and other groups as necessary on the draft savings proposals and their consequences.
Supporting documents:
- budget-report, item 4. PDF 214 KB
- budget-app1, item 4. PDF 38 KB
- 1-asc, item 4. PDF 299 KB
- 2-cyp, item 4. PDF 266 KB
- 3-env, item 4. PDF 399 KB
- 4-rg, item 4. PDF 462 KB
- 5-ace, item 4. PDF 238 KB
- 6-ph, item 4. PDF 118 KB
- 7-fin-it, item 4. PDF 124 KB
- 8-hr, item 4. PDF 120 KB
- 9-lp, item 4. PDF 107 KB
- budget-app1-pdf-format, item 4. PDF 214 KB