Agenda item
Update on Public Health Contracts
This report provides an update to the Cabinet report of 13th January 2014 on future arrangements for public health contracts that the Council inherited from the NHS. It provides an update on the proposed procurement process for contracts for 2015/16 onwards and requests approval to invite tenders in respect of such contracts as required by Contract Standing Orders 88 and 89.
(i) that the progress made in developing options for the future commissioning and procurement of public health services be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the invite of tenders for the public health contracts detailed in Annexes 1 – 11 of the report from the Assistant Chief Executive on the basis of the pre - tender considerations set out in respect of each contract in Annexes 1 - 11 of the report;
(iii) that approval be given to the evaluation of the tenders referred to in paragraph (ii) above on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in respect of each contract in Annexes 1 – 11 of the report;
(iv) that approval be given to an exemption from the usual tendering requirements of Contract Standing Orders in accordance with Contract Standing Order 84(a) to permit the negotiation of 2015/16 Genito-Urinary Medicine contracts as detailed in paragraph 4.9 and to permit the procurement on behalf of Brent Council of the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme by the London Borough of Lambeth and the consequent use of its own Contract Standing Orders as detailed in paragraph 4.7 of the report;
(v) that authority be delegated to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Director of Legal & Procurement and Chief Finance Officer, to participate in negotiation of 2015/16 Genito-Urinary Medicine contracts as set out in paragraph 4.9.
Councillor Hirani (Lead Member for Adults, Health and Well-being) in introducing the report on public health contracts referred back to the Health and Social Care Act 2012 which conferred on local authorities the function of improving public health. The report from the Assistant Chief Executive provided an update to the Cabinet report of 13 January 2014 on future arrangements for public health contracts that the council inherited from the NHS. It provided an update on the proposed procurement process for contracts for 2015/16 onwards and requests approval to invite tenders in respect of such contracts as required by Contract Standing Orders 88 and 89 under council procedures. The Cabinet heard that the current contracts being re-procured had a combined value of £7.77 million. Public health contracts in 2015/16 would be a call upon the ring fenced public health grant.
In response to a question on school nurses and what could be hoped for in issues around family planning and FGM (female genital mutilation), Councillor Hirani acknowledged that there was only one bidder but advised that the relationship with schools was a main theme and he hoped for a proactive approach in referrals to nurses and for more to be done with the data that had been collected. Melanie Smith (Director of Public Health) responded to question on cross borough charging and stated that the council hoped to do collaborative negotiation with other boroughs. The Cabinet noted that while contractors may prefer three year contracts, the terms offered had been two years with the possibility of extension, should funding be available. The Cabinet also noted that contracts were demand led and would be reconsidered in the future.
(i) that the progress made in developing options for the future commissioning and procurement of public health services be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the invite of tenders for the public health contracts detailed in Annexes 1–11 of the report from the Assistant Chief Executive on the basis of the pre - tender considerations set out in respect of each contract in Annexes 1-11 of the report;
(iii) that approval be given to the evaluation of the tenders referred to in paragraph (ii) above on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in respect of each contract in Annexes 1–11 of the report;
(iv) that approval be given to an exemption from the usual tendering requirements of Contract Standing Orders in accordance with Contract Standing Order 84(a) to permit the negotiation of 2015/16 Genito-Urinary Medicine contracts as detailed in paragraph 4.9 and to permit the procurement on behalf of Brent Council of the Pan London HIV Prevention Programme by the London Borough of Lambeth and the consequent use of its own Contract Standing Orders as detailed in paragraph 4.7 of the report;
(v) that authority be delegated to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Procurement and Chief Finance Officer, to participate in negotiation of 2015/16 Genito-Urinary Medicine contracts as set out in paragraph 4.9 of the report.
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