Agenda item
Land next to Waverley Court, Brondesbury Park, Kilburn, London (Ref. 13/1773)
Refused planning permission.
Erection of a 6 storey building comprising 5 flats (1 x 3 bedroom and 4 x 2
bedroom) with associated landscaping and car-parking
RECOMMENDATION: Refuse planning permission.
Andy Bates, Area Planning Manager in reference to the tabled supplementary report responded to the queries raised at the site visit. Members heard that the height and scale of the proposed building would be much higher than the existing Waverley Court, resulting in a prominent form of development which would be clearly visible from Brondesbury Park and Salusbury Road to the south. In respect of the quality of the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) and the designation of the wildlife corridor for nature conservation in this particular location, he stated that the designation on the site had been based on the flora and fauna observed throughout the designated land. He continued that whilst some of the planting may appear to be of little amenity value, it had an important role in providing natural habitat for various wildlife species, hence the inclusion of the site within the designated land.
Andy Bates added that despite the proximity of the site to Brondesbury Park overground station, Officers were of the opinion that the site would not support the principles of sustainable development as any development of the site would cause environmental harm to the nature conservation importance of the SINC and wildlife corridor. He therefore considered that the site would not constitute an environmentally sustainable location for development. He continued that in addition to insufficient car parking spaces to meet the current car parking standards, the proposed development would occupy a greater footprint than the previous permission on site and would overall have a greater mass. As such, he considered that the proposed development would have a greater physical impact on the SINC and wildlife corridor. Members heard that as the previous permission was still subject to the approval of landscaping details any landscaping proposals put forward under the current scheme could reasonably be required as part of the previous permission.
Mr Robert O’Hara, the applicant’s agent stated that due to the proximity of the site to buses and Brondesbury Park overground station, transport accessibility to the site had PTAL rating of 3. He added that as the site was within a controlled parking zone, there would be no significant on-street parking such as to warrant refusal on those grounds. In terms of nature conservation, Mr O’Hara stated that there would no resulting demonstrable harm and that prior decontamination would be carried to the site. In his view, the diversity of the area would be enhanced whilst the intensity of use would be reduced. Members heard from the agent that in terms of design, the proposed development for low cost building on a brownfield site would be built with robust materials so as to preserve privacy without detriment to the area. Mr O’Hara added that detailed landscaping scheme which would encourage wildlife would be submitted. In response to member’s question, Mr O’Hara stated that the proposed development would be a one storey higher than the adjoining Waverley Court. He reiterated that the proposal would not result in a harm to the nature conservation.
DECISION: Refused planning permission as recommended.
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