Agenda item
Health and Wellbeing Strategy Development
The Health and Wellbeing Board held a development session on 11th September, where it was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy needed amending if it was to accurately set out the ambitions for the Health and Wellbeing Board. This work has started and this report updates the Board on the progress made since the development event.
Andrew Davies, Policy and Performance Officer explained following the development session held in September 2013 the Board had agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy needed a refresh. The report asked the Board to confirm the principles for the Strategy, objectives for each priority, a RAG rating for each objective and to task officers with preparing a final Health and Wellbeing Strategy with an action plan for the next meeting. In response to agreeing the principles, the Board queried how they would be delivered and how it linked to the CCG clinical commissioning intentions. It was clarified that the objectives within each priority would enable the delivery of each principle, with an action plan being developed to facilitate delivery. Rob Larkman explained that similar principles underpinned the CCGs clinical commissioning intentions and it was intended that they would fit together to support wider health ambitions. Members of the Board queried the term ‘single point of access’ highlighting that terminology needed to be meaningful to residents and it was agreed that a form of wording would be developed.
Andrew Davies drew the Board’s attention to the rationale behind the RAG rating, highlighting that a red action did not necessarily mean that no work had been undertaken or that a service was failing in some way. . Sara Williams explained that parenting programmes were currently being evaluated and the RAG rating and should be set at amber with further work to be undertaken. The Policy and Performance Officer acknowledged there were gaps in relation to the current position and that further information would be required for the action plan to ensure that actions carried out would add value. The Board noted concerns regarding poor dental health in children as well as obesity in children and noted the need to work collaboratively on an education programme to address issues proactively.
Andrew Davies highlighted the removal of objectives in priority two surrounding employment and housing however on reflection felt that the objective regarding employment should be made specific and achievable. Councillor Hirani felt that the objective concerning housing should remain, but focus on issues such as energy solutions and minor adaptations to improve health. It was noted that any work in relation to housing would need to be consistent with the housing strategy.
The Board noted the changes to priority three, endorsing the focus on tobacco control and were pleased to learn a declaration had been signed by Brent Council confirming its commitment to tobacco control The Policy and Performance Officer drew the Board’s attention to changes within priority four and noted that the New Economic Foundation approach to good mental health had not yet been adopted although Bristol City Council had undertaken the approach successfully. The approach looked at reframing activities rather than commissioning new services to improve mental wellbeing. The Board provided information relating to each objective including issues surrounding dual diagnosis, gaps in services and the requirement for a joined up approach to meet individuals various needs. Concern was expressed regarding the wide scope of the strategy and it was acknowledged that an in-depth review on each objective could not take place within the three year span of the strategy with the production of an action plan enabling a focused, but phased approach.
Andrew Davies informed the Board that the fifth priority was a new priority and although the ratings were red, it was hoped these would advance once Pioneer commenced. It was explained that a pilot was currently taking place to evaluate the most vulnerable in the district and the services they accessed and how best to coordinate their needs to ensure improved services as well as potential savings and efficiencies through a holistic approach. The Board expressed concern that they may end up undertaking a monitoring role rather than working creatively on the actions. It was clarified that once the strategy was agreed, actions could be devised to ensure a proactive work programme is put in place.
Health and Wellbeing Board agreed the following recommendations
subject to the discussed amendments:
(i). Confirm the principles for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy outlined in the report, or suggest further revisions ahead of the finalisation of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
(ii). Confirm the objectives for each priority in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy
(iii). Note the RAG rating for each objective and use this as the basis for future meeting plans and agenda items
(iv). Task officers with preparing a final version of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy with an action plan for the Board meeting on 11th December 2013
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