Agenda item
Ealing Road - Speed Camera Petition
- Meeting of Highways Committee, Tuesday 10 December 2013 7.00 pm (Item 7.)
- View the background to item 7.
This report informs the Committee of a petition requesting the installation of speed cameras on Ealing Road between Hanger Lane and Carlyon Road, Alperton. It advises members that it is the responsibility of Transport for London to work with Boroughs to identify locations for speed cameras in the capital through application of agreed prioritisation criteria. The report also informs the committee of measures that will be taken to investigate accidents along this section of Ealing Road with the London Borough of Ealing and assess future measures to improve safety.
(i) Noted the contents of the petition and the issues that were raised.
(ii) Noted the outcomes of preliminary investigations, which indicate that, on review of TfL’s criteria for provision of safety cameras, there would be insufficient justification for a speed camera to be considered within Brent.
(iii) Agreed that discussions be held with Ealing Council to consider whether there could be justification for a speed camera within Ealing, and to investigate whether a local or joint road safety scheme could be prioritised for a possible funding bid during 2014-15.
(iv) That the main petitioner be informed of the outcome of the Highways Committee decision in regard to this matter.
Members gave consideration to a report which informed of a petition requesting the installation of speed cameras on Ealing Road between Hanger Lane and Carlyon Road, Alperton. The report also outlined measures that would be taken to improve safety and investigate accidents along this section of Ealing Road in partnership with the London Borough of Ealing.
Alina Lopatis, a local resident spoke to a petition on behalf of the Cromwell and Burns Residents Association (CABRA). In her address, Elena referred to accidents that had occurred at the junction of Ealing Road and Burns Road to highlight their safety concerns in the area. She added that this stretch of road was being used by irresponsible motorists as if it was a racetrack without any adherence to the 30mph speed limit. She went on to note that slow down signs are largely being ignored by motorists and that other traffic measures and signals were not effective in reducing speeds. She went on to note that the area would soon have an additional 400 new dwellings at 243 Ealing Road. Alina Lopatis urged the Committee to liaise with LB Ealing to review accident data along Ealing Road up to the boundary with Brent and consider introducing a joint safety scheme, including the installation of a speed camera.
Paul Chandler Head of Transportation informed the Committee that Transport for London (TfL) rather than Borough Councils were responsible for London’s safety camera programme. Their Surface Planning Team liaises with representatives from boroughs on improvements to existing sites, identification of new locations and decommissioning of low priority sites. In determining which sites would have speed cameras, TFL apply stringent prioritisation criteria which include a minimum of 4 killed or seriously injured (KSI) collisions in a three year period, and at least 2 of these must have been identified in accident reports as being a result of speeding.
Members heard that although there had been 15 personal injury accidents recorded along this section of the Ealing Road between September 2010 and June 2013, resulting in 21 casualties (19 slight and 2 serious injuries) and 21 casualties in the last 3 years, none of the related incidents were reported by attending Police officers as being speed related. As the accident data within Brent would not meet the TFL criteria for a speed camera to be installed, the Head of Transportation was of the view that there was no clear justification to apply for a speed camera within Brent. He however noted the safety concerns expressed by the resident group and proposed to take the following actions;
a) Liaise with LB Ealing to review accident data along Ealing Road up to the boundary with Brent to see if there might be justification for a speed camera within LB Ealing;
b) Consider whether alternative road safety measures could help to reduce the number of personal injury accidents along this section of Ealing Road within Brent; and
c) Determine whether a joint safety scheme could be developed in conjunction with LB Ealing.
The Head of Transportation continued that if there was sufficient justification and potential remedial benefits to be gained from delivering a safety scheme, they would be assessed and prioritised during 2014-15 as part of the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) development process. Data on speed and traffic volumes would also be collected to assist in determining whether a viable and effective safety scheme could be delivered.
During questions, Councillor Brown enquired as to whether the Council had made approaches to LB Ealing regarding the joint scheme and with what response. The Head of Transportation confirmed that LB Ealing had already been approached about the scheme and that he was awaiting their response. Members generally welcomed the report’s recommendations but suggested that consideration be given to the use of police speed guns and mobile speed cameras until such time as speed cameras could be installed. In this regard it was further suggested that CRBRA should work with Safer Neighbourhood Team and Ward Working Team with a view to getting prioritisation for schemes in their area.
(i) that the contents of the petition and the issues that were raised be noted;
(ii) that the outcomes of preliminary investigations, which indicate that, on review of TfL’s criteria for provision of safety cameras, there would be insufficient justification for a speed camera to be considered within Brent be noted;
(iii) that discussions be held with Ealing Council to consider whether there could be justification for a speed camera within Ealing, and to investigate whether a local or joint road safety scheme could be prioritised for a possible funding bid during 2014-15.
(iv) that the main petitioner be informed of the outcome of the Highways Committee decision in regard to this matter.
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