Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Village School, Grove Park, Kingsbury, London NW9 0JY
Contact: Nikolay Manov, Governance Officer; Email:; Tel: 0208 937 1348
No. | Item |
Reports - 21 September 2016 PDF 8 MB Minutes:
BRENT SCHOOLS FORUM Minutes of the Schools Forum held on Wednesday 21 September 2016 at The Village School
Attended by Members of the Forum: Governors: Martin Beard (MB) Herman Martyn (HM) Narinder Nathan (NN) Umesh Raichada (UR)
Head Teachers: Rose Ashton (RA) - Chair Lesley Benson (LB) Martine Clark (MC) Rabbi Yitzchak Freeman (YF) Rachel Kitley (RK) Andy Prindiville (AP) Troy Sharpe (TS)
PRU: Terry Hoad (TH)
PVI Sector: Paul Russell (PR)
Trade Unions: Lesley Gouldbourne (LG)
14-19 Partnership:
Lead Member (C&YP):
Officers: Gail Tolley (GT) Brian Grady (BG) Phil Herd (PH) John Holden (JH) Devbai Patel (DP) John Galligan (JG) Sandra Bingham (SB) John Frankis (JF)
Others: Mary Adossides (MA) – Observer Ranjna Shiyani (RS) – Observer
i. Introductions
The Forum commenced at 6.00pm.
RA asked everyone to introduce themselves.
ii. Apologies
Kay Charles Danny Coyle Helga Gladbaum Mike Heiser Jo Jhally Sue Knowler Desi Lodge Patch Gerard McKenna Cllr Wilhelmina Mitchell Murray
iii Absence Melissa Loosemore Titilola McDowell
iv Membership
Post meeting notes - two new secondary academy head teachers have joined. These are Gerard McKenna and Rachel Kitley.
1 Declarations of Interests
1.1 None
2 Minutes of the meeting held on 15th June 2016 and Matters Arising
2.1 There were no corrections to the minutes therefore they were approved as an accurate record.
3.0 Action Log and Matters Arising
3.1 Decision on split site factor funding. This item was on the agenda as item 7.
4.0 Wembley Learning Zone The report was for decision
4.1 This paper was presented by SB. This was an annual report to request DSG contribution of £88k to the Wembley Learning Zone (WLZ) running costs. It detailed the type of activities that WLZ provides and the increased activities since 2015-2016. There has been an increase in participation with primary and secondary schools as well as vulnerable groups. The feedback was very positive last year. The objectives remain the same.
4.2 The Schools Forum unanimously decided to contribute Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) last year. The WLZ also collects income from schools and facilities.
4.3 RF said the report was interesting and that the service provided good facilities in 2015-16. He supported the proposal to continue to fund the service. He asked what other income was generated. He also asked if there were any charitable donations. He also asked for a breakdown of expenditure of the £88k allocation from this year. The report stated that a free 6 week multi-sport programme was available to 10 Brent schools. RF asked what criteria is applied to select these schools. MB suggested that the criteria for this selection process should be published and all schools should have the opportunity to apply for the provision.
4.4 SB said she did not have all of this information to hand but it could certainly be brought back for information to forum.
4.5 RA asked for votes on the recommendation to approve the continued DSG allocation to part fund the WLZ for 2017-18 to the sum of ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |