Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Barham Park Lounge, Barham Park, Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 2HB
Contact: Bryony Gibbs, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: Councillor Hirani highlighted that as Lead Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing he had been involved in developing outdoor gyms in Brent. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 82 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 May 2015 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Matters arising Minutes: None. |
Order of Agenda Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the order of the agenda be amended as detailed below. |
Verbal Update - Outdoor Gyms The committee will receive a verbal update regarding outdoor gyms from the Operational Director, Community Services. Decision: That option A, as defined in the report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted to the committee meeting held on 28 January 2015, be selected as the preferred location for the outdoor gym. Minutes: Chris Whyte (Operational Director, Community Services) provided an update to the committee regarding the installation of an outdoor gym in Barham Park. Members were informed that the consultation conducted regarding the preferred location within the site of an outdoor gym had recently concluded. Consultation was conducted via an online survey and the circulation of hard copies to residents and users of the Barham Park complex of buildings. Seventy-nine responses had been received. It was emphasised that the survey had provided for four different options (as detailed in the report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted to the committee meeting held on 28 January 2015). A fifth option had subsequently been made known to officers but it was highlighted that the majority of respondents would not have been aware of this additional option. Outlining the results to the committee, Chris Whyte advised that a small proportion had indicated that they did not want an outdoor gym at the site at all, fifty-four per cent had selected option A, thirty-one per cent option B and options C and D had been chosen by approximately 7 per cent of respondents. Five people had expressed a preference for the fifth option.
The committee questioned whether the fifth option would enable the gym to be visible from the road, as it was known that this could be an important factor in attracting users. The Chair invited comments from members of the public. Queries were raised regarding the co-location of the gym with the children’s play area (as envisaged with the selection of option A) and concerns were expressed regarding the limitations that option A would place on the use of the park by the fair and those wishing to hold picnics in that area. A view was put that the historic aspect of the park would be spoilt by the installation of the outdoor gym at option A and a further view was expressed that the pollution from the road made this site fundamentally unsuitable. In explanation of the additional fifth option, it was commented that the installation of the gym at the proposed alternative site would encourage footfall through the park, thereby creating a safer environment for use by the general public.
Responding to the issues raised, Chis Whyte confirmed that the proposed alternative site was located in the centre of the park and would not therefore be visible from the road. It was further clarified that the pros and cons for each of the four options were made clear in the consultation.
The committee noted the security concerns raised in favour of the fifth option but agreed that these rather made a case for exploring additional security measures for the park. Members highlighted that the committee had at its last meeting identified a preferred location (option B), subject to consultation; however, the results of this consultation demonstrated a clear majority in favour of option A.
That option A, as defined in the report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
General update to Trust Members on Property Matters PDF 6 MB This report updates the committee on the marking of the Barham Park Lounge, seeks approval to vary the decision made regard the marketing of the Card Room and for the procurement of consultant to draw up a Maintenance Profile Plan for the envelope of the buildings, details the results of the external valuation determining the market rent for the Children’s Centre and outlines the progress achieved with respect to leasing the Snooker and Billiard Rooms.
Decision: i) That it be noted that the marketing process for Unit 4, the Barham Park Lounge, was underway and the deadline for receipt of tenders was Friday 10 July 2015.
ii) That Unit 1, the Card Room, be offered to Third Sector Organisations utilising Brent Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy.
iii) That the decision regarding approval of the procurement of a consultant to draw up a Maintenance Profile Plan be deferred to the next meeting of the committee.
iv) That the decision to seek Charity Commission approval to let Unit 8, the Children’s Centre, at a rent of £11,300 for a term of 5 years with consent to an organisation to continue the Children’s Centre service, be deferred to the next meeting of the committee.
v) That the decision to proceed to complete the approved letting of Unit 2, the Snooker and Billiard Rooms, to the Barham Part Veterans’ (Wembley) be deferred to the next meeting of the committee.
Minutes: The Chair informed the meeting that due to unforeseen circumstances, Richard Barrett (Operational Director, Property and Projects) was unable to attend the meeting. It was noted that as Property Adviser to the Trust, his input was likely to be necessary with regard to a number of the proposals before the committee regarding the Barham Park complex of buildings.
In discussing the report, members were pleased to note that the marketing process for Unit 4, the Barham Park Lounge, had been targeted locally. A member of the public expressed a concern that part of the criteria required an organisation to provide three years worth of audited accounts; it was felt that this disadvantaged smaller charities which were only required to submit their accounts to the charity commission and it was suggested that the criteria be amended accordingly. Arnold Meagher (Principal Housing and Litigation Lawyer) explained that it would not be possible to amend the criteria without restarting the tender process. The committee highlighted that the marketing process was already underway; however agreed that officers should take this issue under consideration for any future marketing processes.
The Chair drew the committee’s attention to the proposal to utilise Brent Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy with regard to Unit 1, the Card Room. Members noted that the Trust had previously agreed to proceed with a marketing process with a specific emphasis on community use. Though the Trust was not bound by the council’s policy, employing this new approach could represent a better way forward for the trust in securing community use of the unit.
The committee noted that further information was required with respect to the proposals regarding the maintenance profile plan for the complex of buildings; the valuation of Unit 8, the Children’s Centre; and the letting of Unit 2, the Snooker and Billiard Rooms, to the Barham Park Veterans’ (Wembley). Members therefore agreed to defer consideration of these decisions to the next meeting of the committee. In doing so, members took note of the concern raised by a member of the public regarding the basis on which current service charges were decided in light of the proposal to obtain a maintenance profile plan. Members of the committee also highlighted that concerns had been raised by a member of the public regarding accessibility of the membership of the Barham Park Veterans’ Club (Wembley) which required further investigation and that the committee had not had sight of the diversity questionnaire.
i) That it be noted that the marketing process for Unit 4, the Barham Park Lounge, was underway and the deadline for receipt of tenders was Friday 10 July 2015.
ii) That Unit 1, the Card Room, be offered to Third Sector Organisations utilising Brent Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy.
iii) That the decision regarding approval of the procurement of a consultant to draw up a Maintenance Profile Plan be deferred to the next meeting of the committee.
iv) That the decision to seek Charity Commission approval to let Unit 8, the Children’s ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Any other urgent business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Democratic Services Manager or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64. Minutes: None. |