Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boardrooms 3/4 - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley HA9 0FJ. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence and clarification of alternate members For Members of the Board to note any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
· Councillor Hirani (with Councillor Krupa Sheth substituting) · Mike Bird (Brent Nursing and Residential Care Sector) |
Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, the nature and existence of any relevant disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in the items on this agenda and to specify the item(s) to which they relate. Minutes: Dr MC Patel (Vice Chair) declared that doctors, like himself, in their professional capacity as medical professionals may be part of commissioning local services within the wider network represented at the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Cllr McLennan stated that she was a Member of London North West University Hospital Trust. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 111 KB To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 22 January 2019 as a correct record. Minutes: It was RESOLVED that:
the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 January 2019 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Matters arising (if any) To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: None. |
To provide an update regarding the key developments in the NHS Long-Term Plan and initial steps that are taking place in North West London to develop and deliver that plan. Minutes: Jonathan Turner (Deputy Managing Director, Brent CCG) introduced the report updating the Board regarding the key developments in the NHS Long-Term Plan. He referred to the initial steps and the engagement activities that were taking place in North West London to develop and deliver that plan.
The report noted that the NHS Long-Term Plan was published on 7th January 2019 after a delay. It set out the strategic direction for the NHS over the next 10 years containing a number of high-level deliverables, together with a 5-year funding settlement for 2019-2024. It also included the funding settlement for the NHS and implications on local delivery.
In considering the key headings of the update report, the Board noted:
· some of the national public engagement activities including ‘be heard’ and learning disability participation events on 3 and 8 May 2019; · the development of an Integrated Care System (ICS) in North West London by 2021; and · the move to a single CCG and a summary of the over-arching programme areas that were being worked upon.
Describing the report as the strategic level paper which was ‘work in progress’ and needed the work to ‘make it real’, Jonathan Turner, highlighted the vital sections to the Board and invited their comments on the update and the proposed ‘revised’ priorities for 2019/20.
· Healthy communities and prevention · Maternity, children and young people · Primary, social and community care · Urgent and emergency care · Mental health · Cancer care · Hospital and specialist care
Highlighting that the implementation of 10-year national plan in North West London for the NHS, the paper stated that the aim was to improve the quality of patient care and health outcomes by focussing on:
· enabling everyone to get the best start in life; · helping communities to live well; and · helping people to age well.
Jonathan Turner, supported by Phil Porter (Strategic Director - Community Wellbeing, Brent Council) highlighted the challenging financial situation which meant that although the CCG was receiving an increase in its allocation of 5.9% in 2019/20, it was also reporting an 18/19 deficit of £11.2 million. Phil Porter informed that this financial situation was a trend across North West LondonCCG and beyond, with 7 out of 8 CCGs were projecting a significant deficit in 2019/20. This meant that despite the CCG receiving a 5.9% uplift in its allocation, some of this would have to be passed through to Trusts in the form of a tariff uplifts, which would also off-set the planned increase. This was because the national tariff had been uplifted this year to account for inflationary pressures within provider organisations on an assumption that an average acute tariff would be uplifted by 2.8% and the non-acute contracts will be uplifted by an average of 3.9%. All this meant that there would only be a small sum for demographic and non-demographic growth in activity. This period of financial recovery meant that centralised financial control processes had been put in place for all new investments exceeding £20k must which now must be approved ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Brent Children's Trust Update - April 2019 PDF 101 KB The Brent Children’s Trust (BCT) is a strategic partnership body made up of commissioners and key partners. This report provides an update on the BCT work programme from October 2018 and outlines the priority areas of focus from April 2019 – March 2020. Minutes: Gail Tolley (Strategic Director Children and Young People) introduced the report. Drawing the Board’s attention to paragraph 3.5 on page 12 - Priority Areas of Focus for 2019/20, she stated that this was a supplementary update as requested by the Chair providing additional update of the BCT work programme from October 2018 and also outlined the priority areas of focus for the Brent Children’s Trust from April 2019 to March 2020.
It was subsequently RESOLVED that:
The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the priority areas of focus for the Brent Children’s Trust from April 2019 to March 2020.
Health and Care Transformation Programme Review PDF 261 KB To provide the Board with an update regarding progress on key activities in relation to the Joint Health and Care Transformation programme during 2018/19, and seeking comment and endorsement of the priorities for 2019/20. Minutes: Tom Shakespeare (Director of Integrated Care, Brent Council) introduced the report providing an update about progress of key activities of the joint Health and Care Transformation programme during 2018/19.
Highlighting the progress to date under paragraph 4 on page 16, integrated commissioning and market management under paragraph 4.2 on page 17, the scoping priorities, together with, additions and changes highlighted on pages 18 and 19 under 5.1 - 5.1.6, Tom Shakespeare sought the Board’s comment and endorsement for the priorities for 2019/20.
Responding to a query from Carolyn Downs (Chief Executive, Brent Council) ‘if Brent was doing more than others’, Tom Shakespeare stated that it depended on what and how one counted the activities and outcomes.
It was subsequently RESOLVED that:
· The proposed priorities for 2019/20, including the additional provisions, be endorsed; and
· An update report highlighting progress against each priority be brought back to the Board.
Public Mental Wellbeing Strategy and Suicide Prevention Plan PDF 100 KB To receive a report introducing the Brent Public Mental Wellbeing Strategy and Suicide Prevention Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Melanie Smith introduced the report prepared by Marie McLoughlin, a Consultant in Public Health.
In considering the report which introduced the Brent Public Mental Wellbeing Strategy and Suicide Prevention Plan, the Board noted the following key points:
· In July 2018, the Health and Wellbeing Board endorsed and adopted the Thrive LDN principles to shape its approach to the promotion of mental wellbeing. Thrive LDN is a city-wide movement sponsored by the Mayor of London and the London Health Board which aspired to promote mental wellbeing, prevent illness and eliminate suicide in London. Thrive LDN has six aspirations:
1. A city where individuals and communities take the lead 2. A city free from mental health stigma and discrimination 3. A city that maximises the potential of children and young people 4. Develop a healthy, happy and productive workforce 5. A city with services that are there when and where needed 6. A zero-suicide city
· Aspiration 3 was being taken forward in Brent by the iThrive work and aspiration 5 was within the scope of the Health and Care Transformation Plan. Therefore, the public mental wellbeing plan focuses on the other 4 aspirations. · The Suicide Prevention Plan detailed in Appendix 1 had been informed by a workshop in April 2019 which was attended by PHE, the local NHS mental health provider, third sector organisations (including those with particular expertise in suicide prevention and / or support to those affected by suicide) and the police. The key messages from the event were:
1. Endorsement of the action plan; 2. A desire to link up with other boroughs and create joint actions; and 3. Agreement to set up subgroups to take forward each of the action.
During the discussion, the following points were noted:
· The statistics used in the report were from over four years ago when the last such national ONS survey was carried out. Not a small undertaking but if it was do-able, it should be explored if Brent partners could undertake the relevant survey locally to gather an up to date data-set; · ‘Are we okay Brent?’ was not perhaps a very familiar campaign and not heard of in general because it was mainly targeted at affected people using social media and enhanced search protocols; · In relation to suicides, given that more males were affected, particularly, Eastern European males, perhaps such most affected groups should be targeted as Brent had the largest European community in London;
· Death in the neighbouring boroughs were higher which indicated the richness of Brent’s soft and compassionate approach could be a key factor and it would be perhaps timely to look at this aspect; · Local PCT involvement was welcome and Dr MC Patel would email Dr Melanie Smith.
In conclusion, the Board also noted that the future work would focus upon, among other things, on the following key areas:
· Progress on collaborative work with neighbouring boroughs; · Better links with faith groups; · Effective use of existing fora, like Samaritans etc.; and. · Work on the next campaign.
Subject ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Any other urgent business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Head of Executive and Member Services or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 60. Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting The next scheduled meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board is on Minutes: 15 July 2019. |