Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boardroom - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ
Contact: Anne Reid, Principal Democratic Services Officer 020 8937 1359, Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: None declared. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 64 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 October 2015 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Matters arising Minutes: Members’ Code of Conduct and Members’ Gifts and Hospitality Protocol It was noted that Full Council had approved the revised Members’ Code of Conduct and the Members’ Gifts and Hospitality Protocol as recommended by the Standards Committee. |
Review of Member Development Programme and Members' Expenses PDF 103 KB The purpose of this report is to provide members of the Standards Committee with a summary of the Member Development Programme and information regarding the Members’ Expenses Scheme. This report outlines the member learning and development sessions delivered for members since December 2014, and also the upcoming quarter of the member learning and development programme (January-March 2016).
Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered the circulated report which outlined the member learning and development sessions delivered for members since December 2014 and the upcoming quarterly programme.
Consideration was given to which sessions might be regarded as mandatory and how attendance at these could be encouraged. The Chair stated that the Council should set out to achieve a culture of learning and development where members wanted to attend the sessions rather than being told which ones they had to attend. It was noted that the Member Development Steering Group was considering this issue.
That the report submitted be noted. |
Annual Report to the Standards Committee 2014 - 2015 PDF 100 KB This is the Monitoring Officer’s Annual Report to the Standards Committee for the period December 2014 to December 2015 and provides an update on member conduct issues, and the work of the Standards Committee and the Monitoring Officer during that period. Minutes: The committee considered the circulated report of the Monitoring Officer which updated members on conduct issues and the work of the Standards Committee and the Monitoring Officer for the period December 2014 to December 2015.
The committee was informed that the process of recruiting Independent Persons would begin later in January. Councillor Warren commented on the involvement of the Independent Person. He proposed that the Independent Person should be given a higher profile in order to give the role greater credibility by bringing forward their role in the process of considering complaints. Concern was expressed that this could potentially undermine the position of the Monitoring Officer and that such an arrangement was not followed in other boroughs.
(i) that the Monitoring Officer’s Annual report 2014/15 be noted;
(ii) that the procedure for dealing with complaints be considered at the next meeting of the Standards Committee. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the committee is scheduled to take place on 21 March 2016. Minutes: Noted – to be held on 21 March 2016. |
Any other urgent business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Head of Executive and Member Services or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64. Minutes: None. |