Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3, Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, HA9 9HD. View directions
Contact: Toby Howes, Senior Democratic Services Officer, 0208937 1307, Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interests Members are invited to declare any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: None declared. |
The minutes are attached. Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2010 be received and approved as an accurate record. |
Matters Arising (if any) Minutes: None. |
Appointments to Sub-Committees (if any) Minutes: None. |
Leader's Update on the Council's Priorities The Leader of the council, Councillor John (OBE) will attend the meeting to discuss the main issues facing the council and the administrations priorities. Minutes: Councillor John (Leader of the Council) provided an update on the key issues facing the Council and the priorities that it would seek to address. Councillor John began by describing the Council’s financial circumstances which required it to identify savings of £94 million, up from the £50 million initially needed. There were a number of streams of funding that were either being reduced or stopped altogether, including area based, performance award and housing grants. Members noted that because of the acute financial constraints, some services would need to be changed in the way they were delivered, whilst for others there needed to be consideration as to whether they were of sufficient priority to continue. Councillor John emphasised that the Council needed to be smarter and better in service delivery and that it faced many difficult challenges ahead. It was important that a coherent and disciplined approach was taken by the Executive.
Councillor John then set out what the Council had undertaken so far and what its future objectives would be. Members noted that £6.6 million savings would be achieved this year and the £25 charge to remove bulky waste would be abolished. A pilot initiative to boost local shopping facilities for the local community would be launched, whilst there was an aspiration to ultimately reach a recycling waste target of 60 per cent as against the present rate of approximately 28 per cent. This would require introducing a number of measures and changing the behaviour of residents. Councillor John commented that there had already been a number of regeneration schemes in Brent in the last decade and stressed the need that regeneration continues, particularly in Alperton, South Kilburn, the North Circular Road area, Church End, Burnt Oak and the Colindale Corridor. The regeneration of Wembley continued to be the most pivotal, with the intention to provide more entertainment and homes and make the area a destination venue and the developers, Quintain PLC, were ready for the next phase of the scheme.
Councillor John advised that improving the Council’s green credentials was another important priority, including reducing CO2 emissions, signing up to the Green Charter and a commitment to Fair Trade products. It was the Council’s intention to improve the Public Realm, including improving parks, sports and leisure and also swimming pool facilities where there was a particular shortfall in provision. Extending the provision of mobile swimming pools could be considered as such pools had been well used in instances where they had been provided. The Committee heard that pressure on school places continued to be a problem and there was a need to improve youth facilities, however there would be difficulties in obtaining additional funding required to achieve this. There were also a number of significant changes that were taking place in some service areas, including Adult Social Care with a move towards fulfilling the Personalisation agenda, of which there was a need for more comprehensive consultation with adults with special needs and learning disabilities, their carers and relatives. This ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
The One Council Programme The Director of Policy and Regeneration will provide the committee with an overview of the One Council Programme and set out the key areas for the year ahead. Minutes: Phil Newby introduced this item and circulated a paper detailing the current stage of One Council projects at tranches one and two. In respect of the Brent Business Support project, Phil Newby advised that the project’s objectives were to create a sharper, improved and more modern business support function. The Children’s Social Care project addressed a number of key issues, including fostering in the Borough, whilst the Income Generation project was currently at the concept stage. The Reshaping Customer Contact project sought to look at other ways of contact with customers, such as through the web, e-mail and telephone as face to face contact was the most expensive method of customer service. Wave One of the Review of Lower Priority Areas (ROLPA) project had been stopped as its activities had either generated new projects or merged with existing ones, however this project was presently under reconsideration under Wave Two. Members heard that the Strategic Procurement Review project was a key one which would yield considerable savings. Similarly, the Strategic Property Review project would also make significant savings and looked at how Council buildings were used, with some 14 buildings either up for sale or having their leases ended. Phil Newby advised that the Structure and Staffing project looked at the need to balance the manager to staff ratio and a further 300 posts were due for deletion by September 2010, with compulsory redundancies avoided where possible. Members noted that Price Waterhouse Coopers had been recruited to provide a supporting role, although the Council was solely responsible for the delivery of this project. It was confirmed that the Waste and Recycling project’s outcome had developed a new Waste Strategy and this was due for consideration at the 11 August meeting of the Executive.
Phil Newby informed Members that the New Ways of Working project’s objective was to ensure that the Council was fit for purpose when it moved to the Civic Centre. The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Review project was necessary as it needed to address the impact on SEN facilities following the withdrawal of the Building Schools for Future programme. In respect of the Total Place project, this was to be be re-named Community Budgets and the Committee heard that the Council was in discussion with its partners as to how resources would be used and it was conceivable that the Council could help with back office functions and sharing buildings with some partners. The Willesden project sought to investigate options in re-developing the Willesden Centre and enhance its role as the south of the Borough’s main customer contact point.
With the approval of the Chair, Robert Dunwell addressed the Committee. Robert Dunwell commented that the contractors were obliged to remove dumped items and therefore he suggested that the loss of revenue from removing the bulky waste removal charge should be made up through renegotiating the contract with the contractor.
During Members’ discussion, the Chair asked what steps were taken to ensure there was not disruption to services whilst they ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Tubbs Road Traffic Management PDF 123 KB At its meeting on 8 December 2009, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the councillor call for action (CCfA) submitted by Councillor James Powney in relation to the traffic issues at Tubbs Road, Kensal Green Ward. Details of the CCfA are included as an appendix to this report. The report sets out the background to the CCfA, the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and provides an update on the implementation of those recommendations. Additional documents:
Minutes: Tim Jackson (Head of Transportation Unit, Environment and Culture) presented this item which updated Members on the implementation of recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the Highways Committee following a Councillor Call for Action in respect of traffic issue in and around Tubbs Road. Tim Jackson stated that both Tubbs Road and Nightingale Road were residential roads which carried considerable volumes of traffic and he advised that there were no simple solutions to the problems being experienced. Tim Jackson then updated Members on progress on the various measures recommended by the Committee and in particular with regard to banning turns. He advised that the introduction of banned turns would redirect the traffic onto other roads, particularly onto Harlesden High Street which already had very high levels of traffic. In addition, the High Street and Harrow Road formed part of the London’s Strategic Road Network, so any measures affecting traffic volume for these roads would require the approval of Transport for London (TfL) which was unlikely in this instance. There was some progress on other measures suggested, such as installing signage to the A40 via Scrubs Lane and contacting map providers to ensure that the width restriction on Tubbs Road was identified by them, as outlined in the report. However, Tim Jackson advised that most drivers were aware that Tubbs Road provided a short cut and would continue to use the road on a daily basis, therefore the impact of such measures would be limited.
Tim Jackson informed Members that a Harlesden Area Based Scheme was being developed, a long term project that would take a holistic approach to the area, and would include addressing issues in respect of Tubbs Road and residents were involved in its’ Working Group. Whilst there was no quick solution to the issues involved, officers would continue to work with residents and ward councillors to develop the Harlesden Area Based Scheme to address the concerns.
With the approval of the Chair, a member of the public addressed the Committee. The member of the public requested that the Harlesden Area Based Scheme should address phasing of traffic lights to help make it easier for pedestrians to cross the road.
During Members’ discussion, the Chair enquired whether residents were satisfied with the explanations provided and in the Harlesden Area Based Scheme. Councillor Clues agreed that the Tubbs Road issues should be addressed as part of the Harlesden Area Based Scheme and he also suggested that a re-phasing of the traffic lights could improve the situation. Councillor Long stressed the need for a holistic approach and added that residents had complained about difficulties in crossing Tubbs Road at the junction with Station Road, suggesting that re-phasing the lights to give pedestrians more opportunity to cross would be beneficial. Other issues that needed to be addressed included double parking and larger lorries experiencing problems accessing Scrubs Lane because of a weak bridge.
In reply, Tim Jackson advised that residents had accepted the advice provided by ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
The Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2009/10 PDF 57 KB The attached Annual Report reflects the work of all of the committees within Brent’s Overview and Scrutiny structure in 2009/10. This is in accordance with Article Six of the Council’s Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: Jacqueline Casson (Senior Policy Officer – Policy, Policy and Regeneration) drew Members attention to the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2009/10 which reflected the work of all the committees within the Council’s overview and scrutiny structure. The Chair thanked all those involved in the work carried out in the year and the respective chairs of all these committees in 2009/10, namely Councillor Jones (Chair, Overview and Scrutiny Committee); former Councillor Motley (Chair, Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee); former Councillor Mendoza (Chair, Budget Panel); former Councillor Dunn (Chair, Performance and Finance Select Committee); Councillor Leaman (Chair, Health Select Committee); and Councillor Long (Chair, Forward Plan Select Committee).
that the Overview and Scrutiny Report for 2009/10 be agreed. |
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme PDF 67 KB This report sets out some of the criteria the committee should consider when developing a work programme for 2010/11. Minutes: Jacqueline Casson advised that this item provided Members with the opportunity to suggest items for inclusion in the Committee’s Work Programme for 2010/11.
Councillor Clues requested that an item on the Personalisation Budget for people with learning disabilities be included for discussion for the 13 October meeting and that the Corporate Strategy also be included on the Work Programme. The Chair added that this include information on direct payments, including details of the number of users who had transferred to this system. Councillor Mistry asked that an item on the Review of Customer Contact be included on the Work Programme, including what measures were being considered with regard to language barriers.
In reply to queries from Councillor Clues with regard to the proposed new overview and scrutiny structure, Jacqueline Casson advised that the following overview and scrutiny committees would be created:-
· One Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee (replaces Overview and Scrutiny Committee) · Partnership and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee (replaces Performance and Finance Select Committee) · Health Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee (replaces Health Select Committee · Budget and Finance Overview and Scrutiny Committee (replaces Budget Panel) · Call-in Overview and Scrutiny Committee (replaces Forward Plan Select Committee)
Phil Newby confirmed that the Corporate Strategy would be put before both Full Council and this Committee.
(i) that report on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme be noted; and
(ii) that items on Personalisation and Direct Payments in relation to people with learning disabilities, the Corporate Strategy and Review of Customer Contact be added to the Work Programme. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, 12 October 2010 at 7.30 pm. Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 at 7.30 pm. |
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Democratic Services Manager or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order No 64. Minutes: Process For Registering Town Greens in Brent – Gladstone Park
With the approval of the Chair, Dilywn Chambers addressed the Committee. Dilywn Chambers referred to an application to register Gladstone Park as a town green which had been listed in the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme in 2009/10 as an item rolled over for possible consideration this year. The application had been rejected by the relevant authorities and Dilywn Chambers felt the Council had not given the support to the application that it merited. He requested details of the legal advice that had been provided and asked if this item could be considered further. Dilywn Chambers was advised that it was more appropriate that the Executive provide clarity on this issue. |