Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Rooms 1, 2 and 3, Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, HA9 9HD. View directions
Contact: Joe Kwateng, Democratic Services Officer 020 8937 1354, Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: None declared. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 113 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 February 2013 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Lawnfield House, Coverdale Road, London, NW2 4DJ (Ref. 12/3349) PDF 468 KB Decision: Granted advertisement consent as recommended subject to additional condition requiring the signage to be related to the building and its use only.
Minutes: PROPOSAL: Advertisement consent for 1 no. non-illuminated 1200mm x 1000mm pole mounted sign to location adjacent Coverdale Road /Brondesbury Park and 1no. non-illuminated 800mm x 750mm wall mounted sign to rear existing railings adjacent to the pedestrian entrance to Lawnfield Court on Coverdale Road.
RECOMMENDATION: Grant advertisement consent subject to conditions.
With reference to the tabled supplementary report, Steve Weeks, Head of Area Planning updated members about an objection to the proposal on the grounds that the signage would devalue the properties in the area. He also drew members’ attention to additional objections received from Councillor Shaw which he stated had been addressed in the report and added that the objection on property devaluation was not a planning issue.
In accordance with the Planning Code of Practice, Councillor Shaw, ward member stated that she had been approached by residents. Councillor Shaw reiterated her initial concerns about the size, location and colours of the signage which she added would be a major distraction to traffic and out of character with the area. She also alleged that there had been a lack of consultation with the residents. Councillor Shaw continued that following discussions, the management of the care home (the applicant) had agreed to a reduction of the size and to have it affixed to the building. Councillor Shaw welcomed the outcomes.
Councillor Cummins noted the progress made but suggested an additional condition restricting the use of the advertising boards to non-commercial purposes only. Steve Weeks, Head of Area Planning responded that there had been no errors made in consulting residents about the application. Members heard and understood the alternatives suggested by the applicant to Councillor Shaw and in granting approval in principle delegated authority to the Head of Area Planning to grant final approval.
DECISION: Granted advertisement consent as recommended in principle, subject to additional condition requiring the signage to be related to the building and its use only and delegated authority to the Head of Area Planning to grant final approval.
Former Palace of Arts & Palace of Industry Site, Engineers Way, Wembley (Ref. 12/3361) PDF 498 KB Decision: Agreed the amended recommendation and conditions as set out in the supplementary report with further amendments to condition 1 delegated to officers. Minutes: PROPOSAL: The use of the site for surface car parking for up to 1,350 cars for a temporary period of 3 years while land to the south of Engineers Way is redeveloped pursuant to planning permission 03/3200 and the making good of part of the site and other minor works following the demolition of the former Palace of Industry building. The application site is situated between Engineers Way, Olympic Way, Fulton Road and Empire Way but excludes the Quality Hotel, Dexion and Howarine House, the Civic Centre and Malcolm/Fulton House sites.
RECOMMENDATION: Grant planning permission for a period of 3 years from the commencement of the use, subject to the ability to agree an extension to this period of time through condition.
With reference to the tabled supplementary report, Neil McClellan, Area Planning Manager clarified the prospective tenants within the outlet as requested at the site visit. In relation to the length of time that the land would be used as a car park, he drew members’ attention to comments from Transportation Officers as set out in the supplementary report and in respect of which a number of amendments were recommended. He recommended that condition 1 be changed to 5 years and that condition 7 be changed to refer to a maximum of 1,350 spaces for the first three years from first use and 510 spaces for the following two years unless otherwise agreed by the Council. The Area Planning Manager also drew members’ attention to minor amendments to conditions 3 and 6, an addition of a standard condition regarding the reinstatement of redundant crossovers at the applicant’s own expense and an additional informative 3 as set out in the tabled supplementary report.
Mr Phillip Grant, member of Wembley History Society and a volunteer of Brent Museum and Archives circulated photographs for members’ information. He stated that he had requested the applicant (Quintains) to retain the external walls of the buildings to enable Wembley History Society to stage exhibitions during the ninetieth anniversary of the British Empire in 2014. He informed members that Quintains had refused his request citing safety reasons. Mr Grant, however, requested the Committee to add a further condition requiring the applicant to retain the external walls, marked on his photographs, for their architectural and historical merits.
Ann Clemence, on behalf of the applicant submitted that the application was essential to enable Quintains to carry out the developments around the Stadium area as without the car park facility, the construction of the design outlet would be delayed. She regretted that for commercial reasons the request made by Mr Grant could not be granted. In response to a member’s question, Ann Clemence stated that the contractors currently carrying out the demolition had advised that the retention would involve significant risks and compromise the commercial obligation of the applicant.
In the ensuing discussion, Councillor John expressed a view that the application would give a degree of flexibility on parking issues around Wembley Stadium area ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Decision: Agreed as recommended. Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of an 11 storey building (including lower ground floor) with basement level to provide 229 bed hotel (Class C1) including function / event space, conference suite, bar and dining facilities together with associated car parking, cycle parking, servicing, retail kiosk (Class A1 or A3), coach drop-off lay-by and dedicated coach parking area on Lakeside Drive.
RECOMMENDATION: Grant planning permission subject to conditions and;
(a) the referral of the application to the Mayor of London for its Stage 2 response in accordance with part 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008, and any direction by the Mayor of London to refuse the application. In accordance with Article 5 of the Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 following the Council’s determination of this application, the Mayor is allowed 14 days to confirm if the application is in compliance with the London Plan, and to decide whether to allow the draft decision to proceed unchanged or direct the Council under Article 6 to refuse the application; (b) and subject to the completion of a satisfactory Section 106 and/or other form(s) of legal agreement/undertaking in order to secure the s106 matters as detailed in this report and to delegate authority to the Head of Area Planning or other duly authorised person (taking into account any further representation received) to agree exact terms thereof on advice from the Director of Legal and Procurement, having referred the application to the Mayor of London
With reference to the tabled supplementary report, Neil McClellan, Area Planning Manager drew members’ attention to amendments to conditions 2, 3, 8 and the Heads of Terms of the Section 106 legal agreement. He continued that the applicants had undertaken to respond to the points raised on energy issues before referral of the scheme to the Mayor of London for his Stage 2 consideration. He requested members to agree the recommendation to grant consent in principle and to delegate authority to Head of Area Planning to agree the exact terms of the Section 106 legal agreement on advice from the Director of Legal and Procurement. The Area Planning Manager updated members that representatives of High Speed 2 (HS2) had concluded, following a meeting, that they no longer anticipated any conflict between the HS2 construction activities and the hotel site.
DECISION: Granted planning permission as recommended.
1-12 Inc & Garages, Tregenna Court, Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 (Ref. 12/2449) PDF 551 KB Decision: Granted a 3-year extension as recommended with amendments to landscaping condition to ensure appropriate screening of the existing communal garden. Minutes: PROPOSAL: Extension to time limit for implementation of full planning permission 07/2297 dated 15 September 2009 for the "erection of 2-storey building containing 6 self-contained flats, 4 single-storey garages, refuse stores, cycle parking, associated landscaping, with new access pathways, on land to rear of existing block of flats ("a car free development")."
RECOMMENDATION: Grant planning permission subject to the completion of a satisfactory Section 106 or other legal agreement and delegate authority to the Head of Area Planning or other duly authorised person to agree the exact terms thereof on advice from the Director of Legal and Procurement.
Councillor Cummins suggested a further condition to ensure appropriate screening of the existing communal garden which was agreed by the Committee.
DECISION: Granted a 3-year extension as recommended with amendments to landscaping condition to ensure appropriate screening of the existing communal garden.
Car park, Brook Avenue, Wembley (Ref. 12/3499) PDF 824 KB Decision: Deferred for wider consultation. Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of 4 blocks of flats (3x8-storey & 1x5-storey) comprising 109 flats and the erection of 2x3-storey semi-detached family houses. (Revised Description)
RECOMMENDATION: Defer to the next meeting for a wider consultation and to enable residents to attend the meeting.
Neil McClellan, Area Planning Manager informed members that it had come to light that not all those who had commented on the application had been invited to attend the meeting. In view of that he recommended a deferral of the application.
DECISION: Deferred to the next meeting to ensure all interested parties are invited to attend.
SKL House, 18 Beresford Avenue, Wembley, HA0 1YP (Ref. 12/3089) PDF 346 KB Decision: Deferred for re-consultation. Minutes: PROPOSAL: Erection of first floor extension to front of building, with alterations to the front forecourt layout, reduction in width to existing vehicle access and change of use from office (B1a) to a mixed use with B1(c) (light industrial), B8 (warehouse & distribution) with ancillary office and kitchen showroom (as amended by revised plans dated 22/01/13).
RECOMMENDATION: Defer from consideration.
This application was deferred from Committee on 13 February 2013 for a site visit at members’ request. The Area Planning Manager informed members that since the deferral, it had come to light that a significant piece of plant had been installed at the rear of the premises for which planning permission was required. As the plant was not applied for as part of the original application, the applicant’s agent had indicated that he would submit a revised application to include the plant as part of the application to extend the building. Whilst awaiting the revised application for re-consultation and assessment, the Area Planning Manager recommended a deferral.
DECISION: Deferred to the next meeting for re-consultation.
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Democratic Services Manager or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64.
Minutes: None.
The meeting ended at 7:50pm