Decision details
Authority to procure for Multidisciplinary Technical Consultancy Services for the 2026-2029 School Asset Management Programme using a Framework Agreement (Non-Key Officer Recordable Decision)
Decision Maker: Director - Property and Assets
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To request authority to use a framework to procure the multidisciplinary technical consultancy services for the 2026-2029 school asset management programme.
That the Director of Property & Assets:
i) Approves Brent Council’s participation in a call-off procedure under the Fusion 21 Project Management and Multidisciplinary Consultancy Service and Lead Consultant Framework Agreement in respect of the multidisciplinary technical consultancy services for the 2026-2029 School Asset Management Programme (AMP).
Reasons for the decision:
The Council has a statutory duty to maintain schools it is the responsible body for. In order to meet this duty, the Council requires the provision of the multidisciplinary technical consultancy services for the 2026-2029 Asset Management Programme (AMP). It has been determined that the most appropriate means of providing consultancy services is through the procurement of a contractor by way of a mini-competition under the Fusion 21 Project Management and Multidisciplinary Consultancy Service and Lead Consultant Framework Agreement.
Alternative options considered:
Officers considered whether the multidisciplinary technical consultancy services could be provided by the Council itself but concluded that they are best provided by a contractor.
Officers reviewed a range of procurement options, including conducting a tender process, but concluded that the use of the Framework is the most appropriate means of procuring a contractor given the reduction in time-scales, costs and resources involved.
Another alternative would be to appoint a consultancy organisation for building surveying, another for mechanical and electrical and another for Principal Designer. Whilst the successful consultants would be appointed across a programme of projects providing economies of scale, these would not be as great as a multidisciplinary approach. Further, some of the AMP projects were multidisciplinary in nature, involving both building surveying and mechanical engineer input. Having one organisation provide all the services provides the Council with a streamlined, efficient, joined up commission which is critical when managing the works in tight timelines such as school summer holidays.
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Cabinet/Committee Decision or Scheme of Delegation: Officer scheme of delegation
Parties Consulted: The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources has been consulted as part of the report approval process.
Contact: Fareeda Ali, Capital Programme Officer, Special Projects - Schools Email:
Publication date: 25/09/2024
Date of decision: 19/09/2024