Decision details
Petitions (if any)
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Cabinet NOTED the comments made by Councillor Paul Lorber (as lead petitioner) in support of a petition containing 274 signatures requesting that the Council actively consult with and take into account the concerns of local residents and businesses regarding the impact created by any increase permitted in the number of large events at Wembley Stadium on the surrounding area. In introducing the petition, Councillor Lorber highlighted the impact Wembley Stadium had on a large part of Brent. Referring to the planning application due to be considered by Brent’s Planning Committee on 11 September 2024 seeking an permanent increase in the number of permitted events hosted at the Stadium, Councillor Lorber advised that the signatories of the petition felt the Council needed to be well informed on the potential impacts of the proposed increase and seek to consult and engage local residents and businesses beyond the usual planning process and requirements. As an example, reference was made to the public consultation that had been undertaken when Tottenham Hotspur Football Club had submitted their application to temporarily increase event days at the Stadium in order to host premier league fixtures whereas, he pointed out, the current application from Wembley Stadium would mean a permanent increase in the number of events they were able to host.
Detailing the impact of event days at Wembley Stadium on residents, Councillor Lorber advised Cabinet that people living in the area felt impeded, with buses diverted and road closures impacting movement throughout the whole day and not only during the period of the event itself, citing the recent example of the Taylor Swift concerts hosted over a period of 6 days at the Stadium. These had involved road closures and bus diversions from midday during each of the 5 event days with residents also experiencing difficulties accessing tube services. In his capacity as ward member for Sudbury, Councillor Lorber also outlined the impact on a family within his ward whose access to carers for their elderly mother had been adversely affected due to travel disruption experienced as a result of an event being hosted at the Stadium.
Highlighting the history of event days at the stadium, Councillor Lorber detailed the increase from the 37 large events permitted in the original business case for the new Stadium to the 46 large events now permitted and the current planning application seeking a further increase to 54 large events and similar increase for small events from 51 to 60. Considering this change, he felt that the Council had a responsibility to review the impact the stadium had on the daily lives of Brent residents and hold a public meeting where local residents could have their say and the Council could respond accordingly.
In response, Councillor Tatler (as Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning and Growth) thanked Councillor Lorber for attending Cabinet in order to ensure the views of those supporting the petition were presented. Due to there being a live planning application on the issue, she advised she would be unable to comment specifically in relation to that application. This was to ensure there was no pre-determination on the matter, with the final decision a matter for the Planning Committee, but took the opportunity to assure Councillor Lorber that the views expressed within petition had been acknowledged. In concluding her response, Councillor Tatler highlighted what she recognised as the need to ensure that the wider economic benefits provided by the Stadium in relation to the borough as a whole were balanced against the impact on and concerns of the local community in terms of considering what was best for Brent, with the views expressed in the petition forming part of that process. In thanking Councillor Tatler for her response, Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader) also assured those present that the Planning Committee, in considering the application, would take account of the representations made with the Council also committed to continue working with the Stadium to ensure the significant contribution made to Brent and the UK as a whole was maintained whilst also seeking to protect and support local residents and businesses.
Publication date: 10/09/2024
Date of decision: 09/09/2024
Decided at meeting: 09/09/2024 - Cabinet