Decision details
Application to the Heat Network Efficiency Fund for External Grant Funding (Recordable Officer Decision)
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Partnerships, Housing & Residents Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve submission of an application up to the value of £408,744 capital funding, for a project to run from September 2023 – March 2025 aimed to support improvements to existing district heating or communal heating projects that are operating sub-optimally and resulting in poor outcomes for customers and operators.
That the Corporate Director Resident Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Renters Security:
i) Approves the submission of an application for grant funding up to the value of £408,744 capital funding from the Heat Network Efficiency Fund for a project that aims to support improvements to existing district heating or communal heating projects that are operating sub-optimally and resulting in poor outcomes for customers and operators.
Reasons for the decision:
Brent is seeking grant funding for a package of improvement measures to the currently existing communal heat network at Granville Road. LB Brent commissioned an optimisation business case review of the heat network in November 2022, which highlighted several key issues currently impacting heat network performance including high heat loss and high pump electricity usage. In order to address these issues and facilitate future connection to the South Kilburn District Heat Network, the optimisation business case proposed a package of works that would improve efficiency and performance of the network.
Alternative options considered:
If successful with the application, the improvement works to the network would be planned to coincide with the planned works programme to Granville Road, minimising disruption to residents.
Any grant funding received will be subject to conditions.
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
Wards Affected: Kilburn;
Cabinet/Committee Decision or Scheme of Delegation: Officer scheme of delegation
Parties Consulted: Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Renters Security
Contact: Emma Sharpe, Funding and Bid Writing Manager (Climate Action) Email: Tel: 020 8937 5466.
Publication date: 17/05/2023
Date of decision: 17/05/2023