Decision details
Individual Cabinet Member Decision - Authority to delegate authority to West London Waste Authority to lead on procurement for the transport and reprocessing of comingled & paper/card recyclable materials
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Public Realm & Enforcement
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This decision concerns the current contract(s) for the transport and processing of dry mixed recycling (DMR) materials and Paper & Card. The Current arrangements with West London Waste Authority for these contracts expires in 2025. A new arrangement needs to be in place for June 2025 with approval therefore being sought to enter into a procurement process led by West London Waste Authority to tender for new services for the transport, sorting and processing of DMR and Paper & Card.
(1) To exercise delegated powers to grant an exemption from the usual Contract Standing Orders requirement to tender High Value and Medium Value Contracts in respect of:
i) A contract for the Transport of Recyclable Materials.
ii) A contract for Reprocessing Comingled Recycling Materials
iii) A contract for Reprocessing of Paper & Card
(2) To agree to join the West London Waste Authority led procurement for call-off contracts as detailed in (1) above for an initial term of 3 years with the option to extend for up to a further 6 years, to be procured using West London Waste Authority internal governance processes and its dynamic purchasing system.
(3) To agree to enter a Memorandum of Understanding with the West London Waste Authority and the London Borough of Ealing to cover the respective obligations of the parties in relation to the contractual arrangements and processing of payments.
(4) To note that following the identification of preferred bidders under the West London Waste Authority dynamic purchasing system as detailed in (2) above, officers will seek cabinet approval to authorise West London Waste Authority to award a contract(s) for the transport and processing of dry mixed recycling materials and Paper & Card.
Reasons for the decision:
As detailed in the accompanying report.
Alternative options considered:
As detailed in the accompanying report.
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Cabinet/Committee Decision or Scheme of Delegation: Individual Cabinet Member Scheme of Delegation (Part 3 - Constitution)
Parties Consulted: An initial consultation was carried out in 2021 on the redefining of local service delivery model and results were included in the 16 August 2021 Cabinet report. A market testing exercise with stakeholders was undertaken by West London Waste Authority earlier this year and main findings from this exercise are included in the accompanying report.
Contact: Rashmi Agarwal, Head of Service Development & and Contracts Performance, Public Realm Email: Tel: 020 8937 3143.
Publication date: 24/01/2025
Date of decision: 22/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: