Decision details
Authority to vary a contract for the provision of a Targeted Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for Children and Young People in Identified Vulnerable Groups (Non-Key Recordable Officer Decision)
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Children & Young People
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This report follows on from the report dated 29 November 2024 to request a further authority to vary the contract for the provision of a Targeted Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for Vulnerable Children and Young People with the Anna Freud Centre.
That the Corporate Director Children and Young People:
i) Approves the variation of the contract with the Anna Freud Centre for the provision of a Targeted Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for vulnerable children and young people in identified vulnerable groups to reduce:
a. Wellbeing Practitioner from 3.6 FTE to 2 FTE a week.
b. Administrative support time from 1 FTE to 0.8 FTE a week.
c. Deputy Service Lead role from 0.8 FTE to 0.6 FTE a week.
d. Service Manager from 0.8 FTE to 0.6 FTE a week
ii) Approves the variation to increase staff resources as follows:
a. Head of Clinical Help in Schools to 0.15 FTE a week (from February 2025 to April 2025)
b. Child and Family Specialist from 1.8 FTE to 2.80 FTE a week.
Reasons for the decision:
The Council entered into a contract for the Provision of a Targeted Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for vulnerable Children and Young People in identified groups with the Anna Freud Centre (the “Contract”) that commenced on 1st February 2023.
Officers recommended extending the contract by 12 months from 1st February 2025 to 31st January 2026 for reasons that it will achieve best value for the Council and is reasonable in all the circumstances. The Corporate Director, Children and Young People, approved such extension on 29 November 2024.
Officers recommended varying the contract to reduce the provision of services for the duration of the extended period (12 months) which the Corporate Director, Children and Young People, approved on 29 November 2024.
Anna Freud Centre advised officers the staffing structure put forward by them for year 3 was incorrect, a revised proposed staffing structure was submitted on 18th December 2024 which was different to that approved by the Corporate Director on 29th November 2024, to deliver the services for year 3 of the contract.
Alternative options considered:
Officers considered re-procuring the services for a short term but concluded extending and varying the existing contract is the most appropriate means of continuing to deliver the services at the current time. This will enable a full contract review and development of a future options appraisal.
Taking up the option to extend and vary the contract allows time to consider the best approach for meeting the mental health and emotional wellbeing needs of vulnerable children and young people without disruption to current provision.
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Cabinet/Committee Decision or Scheme of Delegation: Officer scheme of delegation
Parties Consulted: Consultation has been carried out within Children and Young People Department as well as the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools.
Contact: Michelle Gwyther, Head of Forward Planning Performance and Partnerships Email:
Publication date: 24/12/2024
Date of decision: 23/12/2024