Decision details
Authority to Vary a Contract with Positive Behaviour Support to Include a Looked After Child Resilience Service (Non-Key Cabinet Member Decision)
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Schools
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To request approval to vary a contract in respect of positive behaviour support delivery post hospital discharge with Positive Support Group (PSG), formerly known as Positive Support Behaviour Consultancy (PBSC), to include a Looked After Child Resilience Service.
That the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools, having consulted with the Leader:
i) Approves the variation of the contract with Positive Support Group to allow for an additional cost of £100,000 to include an additional Looked After Child Resilience Service (LRS).
Reasons for the decision:
As detailed within the accompanying report.
Alternative options considered:
As detailed within the accompanying report.
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Cabinet/Committee Decision or Scheme of Delegation: Individual Cabinet Member Decision
Parties Consulted: There has been early engagement with Brent Social Care staff and managers, local providers, young people, colleagues in other NWL local authorities and NWL CAMHS trusts.
Contact: Michelle Gwyther, Head of Forward Planning Performance and Partnerships Email:
Publication date: 02/04/2024
Date of decision: 19/12/2023
Accompanying Documents: