Decision details
Neasden Civic Partnership Programme
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve up to £7.4m Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy capital funding to deliver public realm and highways infrastructure improvements in and around Neasden town centre.
In considering the report Cabinet noted the comments made by Councillors Ahmed and Dixon (as local ward councillors for Dollis Hill) in support of the Neasden Civic Partnership Programme. Highlighting the diversity, history and vibrant nature of Neasden the challenges faced in the area, particularly in relation to social and economic inequalities were also recognised with the proposals and funding (which it was noted included £3.1m in capital grant funding from the Mayor of London and up to £7.4m from Brent’s Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy) outlined within the report therefore welcomed as a means of focussing delivery of a programme of transformative regeneration and sustainable development within Neasden Town Centre that would also, it was felt, enhance the quality of life within the wider area.
In outlining their support for the programme, particular reference was made to the public realm and highways improvements as well as potential to secure wider environmental sustainability which had been identified along with the engagement and collaboration undertaken with local residents, businesses and other key stakeholders in the co-design and development of the Neasden Town Centre Action Plan. It was noted this would form a key element in delivery of the programme designed to make Neasden a safer, greener and more prosperous area for all.
Consideration of the report was also supported by a presentation from Rumi Bose (Rumi Bose Consultancy) providing an outline of the key elements of the programme and summary of the engagement undertaken to develop the Neasden Town Action Plan.
Having noted the comments made by the local ward councillors and supporting presentation Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To approve up to £7.4m Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy capital funding to deliver public realm and highways infrastructure improvements in and around Neasden Town Centre.
(2) To note that a range of contracts for consultants and contractors would be required to design, plan and develop the proposed public realm, community programming and highways improvements for the Neasden Civic Partnership Programme.
(3) To note and endorses the proposed installation of a temporary building for community use on top of the council-owned car park next to 237 Neasden Lane, subject to obtaining any planning permission and other statutory consents.
Eligible for call-in: Yes
Deadline for submission of call-in: 6pm on Wednesday 22 January 2025
Reason Key: Signficant expenditure/savings of £500k or more;
Wards Affected: Dollis Hill;
Contact: Jonathan Kay, Head of Regeneration, Communities and Regeneration Email: Tel: 020 8937 2348.
Report author: Jonathan Kay
Publication date: 15/01/2025
Date of decision: 15/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 15/01/2025 - Cabinet
Effective from: 23/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: