Decision details
Appointment to Committees and Outside Bodies & Appointment of Chairs & Vice-Chairs
Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(1) The appointments of members, co-opted members and substitutes to Council Committees and Outside Bodies for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year, as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report.
(2) The appointments of Chairs and Vice Chairs to Council Committees for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year, as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report.
(3) To approve:
(a) The reappointment of the following as Independent Persons with effect from 1 May 2021:
· William Goh & Kier Hopley for a 4 year term of office (subject to confirmation at the Annual Council each year);
· Nigel Shock for a 1 year term of office;
(b) the appointment of the following as independent co-opted members on the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee for a 4 year term of office, with effect from 1 May 2021 (subject to confirmation at the Annual Council each year):
· Javid Ansari & Mark Mills
(c) the reappointment of David Ewart as independent chair of the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee and Pension Board for a 2 year term of office ending on 31 July 2023.
(4) To note the appointments:
(a) of the Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Joint Executive Committees and their respective Chairs and Vice Chairs for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year, as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.
(b) to be confirmed by the General Purposes Committee for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year, as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report.
(c) to be confirmed by Licensing Committee for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year, as detailed in Appendix 4 of the report.
Publication date: 30/04/2021
Date of decision: 29/04/2021
Decided at meeting: 29/04/2021 - Council
Accompanying Documents:
- 10. Appointments to Committees & Outside Bodies 2021-22 PDF 155 KB
- 10a. Appendix 1 - Final Committee Appointments Table 2021-22 PDF 194 KB
- 10b. Appendix 2 - Final Cabinet Appointments Table 2021-22 PDF 100 KB
- 10c. Appendix 3 - Final GP Cttee Appointments Table 2021-22 PDF 18 KB
- 10d. Appendix 4 - Final Licensing Cttee Appointments Table 2021-22 PDF 7 KB