Browse forward plans
Internal - Technical Design Authority, 2025
The most recently published Forward Plan gives at least 28 days’ notice of decisions to be considered at the next meeting of the Cabinet, Cabinet Committee or any key decisions to be taken by Council Officers or by the West London Economic Prosperity Board. The latest version of the forward plan will supersede earlier versions.
The list below also contains notice of the following types of issue submitted after the Forward Plan publication date. Further information on the reasons for urgency/exemption can be found on the published notices below:
- Urgent notice – key decisions, or any decisions due to be taken at the Cabinet or Cabinet Committee, for which 28 days’ notice has not been given, which have complied with the Council’s Standing Orders on urgent decisions.
- Exempt notice – notification of items or part thereof that will be considered in private session for which 28 days’ notice has not been given, which have complied with the Council’s Standing Orders to allow the decision to be heard.