Issue details
Local Development Framework Site Specific Allocations DPD Adoption
To recommend to Full Council that the Site Specific Allocations Development Plan Document, incorporating the Inspector’s recommendations, be adopted by Full Council.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 11 Apr 2011 by Executive
Lead member: Lead Member for Regeneration and Economic Development
Lead director: Strategic Director, Regeneration and Growth
Department: Regeneration and Major Projects
Consultation process
- 13/04/2011 - Local Development Framework Site Specific Allocations SPD Adoption
- 16/04/2014 - Site Specific Allocations DPD adoption
Agenda items
- 11/04/2011 - Executive Local Development Framework Site Specific Allocations SPD Adoption 11/04/2011
- 11/07/2011 - Council Site Specific Allocations DPD adoption 11/07/2011