Issue details
Borough Plan 2015-2019 Progress Update
To review and agree progress against the outcomes in the Borough Plan.
*Reason for deferral:
To allow time for some additional data to be included in the final report to Cabinet.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/05/2017
Decision due: 14 Aug 2017 by Cabinet
Lead member: Leader & Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning & Property
Lead director: Director, Performance, Policy and Partnerships
Department: Chief Executive's
Contact: Pascoe Sawyers, Head of Strategy and Partnerships Email: Tel: 020 8937 1045.
- 15/08/2017 - Progress Update on the Borough Plan 2015-2019
Agenda items
- 14/08/2017 - Cabinet Progress Update on the Borough Plan 2015-2019 14/08/2017
- Borough Plan 2015-2019 Progress Update