The council seeks to provide excellent services and in so doing welcomes feedback from its residents. One way for residents to voice their concerns is by submitting a petition. Petitions can be posted, faxed or be an e-petition.
What is a petition?
A petition is a written request from five or more people which asks the Council to take or not to take a specific action. Petitions can be submitted and signed by anybody who works, lives or studies in Brent. A petition must relate to matters affecting the borough and on which the council or one of its partners can make a decision.
Guidance on submitting petitions
Paper petitions
The Council welcomes paper petitions.You can also have one petition in both a paper and an online version at the same time, although people should only sign one version. Paper petitions can be sent to the address at the bottom of this page. A printable template which you can use for your paper petition can be found by going to: Printable template for petitions
An e-petition is a petition which collects signatures online. This allows the petition and its supporting information to potentially reach a much wider audience than a traditional paper petition.
Submitting an e-petition
If you would like to submit an e-petition, you will be asked to register on our website. Please note that if you have already logged on to the Council's web-site you will need to log on again to access this site. You will then be able to give details of what you would like the Council to consider doing, and you will be encouraged to provide background information on the issue. If accepted, your petition will be featured on our website, and it will stay open for signatures for a maximum of three months.
Signing an e-petition
To sign an e-petition, you will be asked for your name and e-mail address, although only your name will appear on our website.
To find out more about the subject of the petition, please refer to the supporting information provided by the petition organiser.
Title | Respondents | Deadline to sign by |
Registering Opposition to Brent Council’s Traffic Restrictions in a Limited Area of Queen’s Park | 1330 | 31/01/2025 |
Petition for Urgent Pavement Repairs on Scarle Road: Ensuring Safety for All Residents | 45 | 31/03/2025 |
Petition to OPPOSE the Building of Nearly 1000 New Residential Units on Atlip Road | 0 | 30/04/2025 |
Repave Shaftesbury Avenue in Brent | 28 | 07/02/2027 |
Elmstead Avenue Pedestrian and Cycle Zone | 46 | Finished |