ePetition details
Elmstead Avenue Pedestrian and Cycle Zone
Elmstead Avenue has a direct route to several businesses situated in the service road next to the church. These businesses consist of a car wash, mechanic, car hire company, and several food vendors. The restriction of entering this road during the prescribed times has caused us not only a loss of business, but many frustrated and complaining to have received penalty charge fines for entering Elmstead Avenue when they were simply wanting to get their car washed, car repaired or visit the food vendors, they are now reluctant to visit due to the worry of getting a fine. Carlton Avenue East also has the same restrictions but that is understandable as there are 2 schools located on that road. Elmstead Avenue having these restrictions is absolutely unnecessary and a major inconvenience for both business owners and their customers.
Started by: Saph Simab
This ePetition ran from 03/12/2024 to 03/01/2025 and has now finished.
46 people signed this ePetition.