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06/02/2025 - Authority to extend contracts for Adult Social Care and Children and Young People with Disabilities Homecare Services ref: 7246 Recommendations Approved
To request approval to extend the homecare contract for 1 year.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Leisure
Decision published: 07/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
That the Corporate Director Community Health and Wellbeing:
i) Approves the extension of the contracts for the provision of home care services to Adults and Children and Young People with Disabilities with the providers listed in section 3.2.7 of the accompanying report for a period of 12 months.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Edwin Mensah
05/02/2025 - Authority to procure an Employer's Agent and Quantity Surveyor for the South Kilburn District Heat Network Project via a Framework (Non-Key Officer Recordable Decision) ref: 7245 Recommendations Approved
To request approval to use a framework to procure an Employer’s Agent and Quantity Surveyor Consultancy Services for the South Kilburn District Heat Network (SKDHN).
Decision Maker: Director - Property and Assets
Decision published: 05/02/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
That the Director of Property and Assets:
i) Approves Brent Council’s participation in a call-off procedure under Lot 1 of Construction Professional Services, Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6165, in respect of an Employer’s Agent and Quantity Surveyor Consultancy Services for the SKDHN.
ii) Confirms there is sufficient budgetary provision for the proposed call-off contract.
iii) Approves inviting bids under the Framework Agreement on the basis of the pre-tender considerations.
iv) Approves officers evaluating bids on the basis of the evaluation criteria.
Wards affected: Kilburn;
Lead officer: Francesca Campagnoli
03/02/2025 - Authority to Tender for the Provision of Arboricultural Services (Individual Cabinet Member Decision) ref: 7244 Recommendations Approved
To request authority to invite tenders for Arboricultural services to manage and maintain the borough’s street trees, parks trees, and Brent Housing trees.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Public Realm & Enforcement
Decision published: 04/02/2025
Effective from: 12/02/2025
That the Cabinet Member for Public Realm and Enforcement, having consulted with the Leader:
i) Approves inviting tenders for a contract for Arboricultural Services on the basis of the pre-tender considerations.
ii) Approves officers evaluating the tenders on the basis of the evaluation criteria.
iii) Approves the variation of the existing contract for Arboricultural Services with Griswoods and Toms Limited to permit the extension for the reasons set out in paragraph 3.9 of the accompanying report.
iv) Approves the extension of the existing contract detailed in (iii) for a period of three (3) months from 1 April 2025 to 30 June 2025 in the sum of £125,000 for the reasons set out in paragraph 3.9 of the accompanying report.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Tony Kennedy
31/01/2025 - Authority to award the contract for Multidisciplinary Technical Services for the 2026-2029 School Asset Management Programme ref: 7243 Recommendations Approved
To request approval to award a contract for Multidisciplinary Technical Services for the 2026-2029 School Asset Management Programme.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods & Regeneration
Decision published: 31/01/2025
Effective from: 08/02/2025
That the Corporate Director Neighbourhoods and Regeneration:
i) Approves the award of a contract for the Asset Management Programme (AMP) multi-disciplinary technical consultancy services to Arcus Consulting LLP for £648,286.25.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Fareeda Ali
28/01/2025 - Confirmation of Immediate Article 4 Directions for Heritage Assets (Non Key Recordable Officer Decision) ref: 7241 Recommendations Approved
To consider representations received to the public consultation for the making of the immediate Article 4 Directions and to confirm the Article 4 directions.
Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods & Regeneration
Decision published: 30/01/2025
Effective from: 28/01/2025
Having considered the summary of representations received, officer responses and recommendations, to approve the confirmation of the Article 4 Directions for Buck Lane Conservation Area, 114 and 116 Elms Lane, Northwick Circle Conservation Article (Inner), Northwick Circle Conservation Area (Outer) and Roe Green Conservation Area.
Wards affected: Kenton; Kingsbury; Northwick Park;
Lead officer: Paul Lewin
21/01/2025 - Authority to Vary and Seek a Contract Extension for the Tri-Borough Leisure Contract (Non-Key Individual Cabinet Member Decision) ref: 7239 Recommendations Approved
To request approval to vary and extend the existing tri-borough leisure contract for Vale Farm Sports Centre between Ealing, Brent and Harrow Councils with Sports and Leisure Management LTD (Everyone Active) from 1 September 2025 to 28 February 2026.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Leisure
Decision published: 28/01/2025
Effective from: 21/01/2025
That the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Leisure:
i) Approves a further 6-month extension from 1 September 2025 to 28 February 2026 to the existing tri-borough contract for Vale Farm Leisure Centre, to allow sufficient time for the authority to re-procure a contract.
ii) Approves the fee payable by Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (Everyone Active) to the Council for the period of the proposed 6-month extension. This is half of what is currently paid as the annual management fee.
iii) Notes the extension of the contract will include provision for a lease renewal of Vale Farm Sports Centre to Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (trading as Everyone Active) from 1 September 2025 to 28 February 2026 at peppercorn annual rent. The lease renewal is to be outside of the provisions of Part 2 Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.
Wards affected: Sudbury;
Lead officer: Sarah Hawken
22/01/2025 - Individual Cabinet Member Decision - Authority to delegate authority to West London Waste Authority to lead on procurement for the transport and reprocessing of comingled & paper/card recyclable materials ref: 7240 For Determination
This decision concerns the current contract(s) for the transport and processing of dry mixed recycling (DMR) materials and Paper & Card. The Current arrangements with West London Waste Authority for these contracts expires in 2025. A new arrangement needs to be in place for June 2025 with approval therefore being sought to enter into a procurement process led by West London Waste Authority to tender for new services for the transport, sorting and processing of DMR and Paper & Card.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Public Realm & Enforcement
Decision published: 24/01/2025
Effective from: 22/01/2025
(1) To exercise delegated powers to grant an exemption from the usual Contract Standing Orders requirement to tender High Value and Medium Value Contracts in respect of:
i) A contract for the Transport of Recyclable Materials.
ii) A contract for Reprocessing Comingled Recycling Materials
iii) A contract for Reprocessing of Paper & Card
(2) To agree to join the West London Waste Authority led procurement for call-off contracts as detailed in (1) above for an initial term of 3 years with the option to extend for up to a further 6 years, to be procured using West London Waste Authority internal governance processes and its dynamic purchasing system.
(3) To agree to enter a Memorandum of Understanding with the West London Waste Authority and the London Borough of Ealing to cover the respective obligations of the parties in relation to the contractual arrangements and processing of payments.
(4) To note that following the identification of preferred bidders under the West London Waste Authority dynamic purchasing system as detailed in (2) above, officers will seek cabinet approval to authorise West London Waste Authority to award a contract(s) for the transport and processing of dry mixed recycling materials and Paper & Card.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rashmi Agarwal