This register of interests was published on Monday 19 June 2023, 12.13 pm.
I, Councillor Gwen Grahl, a member of Brent Council give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interests (1 - 7) and personal interests (8 - 10);
1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member |
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such |
Senior Clinician at RSPCA
Finsbury Park Hospital
22 Sondeburg Road
N77QD |
2. Sponsorship
Member |
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such |
None |
3. Contracts
Member |
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such |
None |
4. Land
Member |
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such |
Classified as sensitive interest |
5. Licences
Member |
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such |
None |
6. Corporate tenancies
Member |
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such |
None |
7. Securities
Member |
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such |
None |
8. Any body of which you are in a position of general control or management, and to which you are appointed or nominated by the Council
Member |
Member of the Fabian Society |
Member of the Co-operative Party |
9. Any body: a) exercising functions of a public nature; b) directed to charitable purposes; c) whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including an political party or trade union) of which you are a member or in a position of general control or management
Member |
Member of The Labour Party
Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Branch Chair at Unite the Union |
Member of British Small Animal Veterinary Association |
Member of the British Veterinary Union |
Member of the London Cycling Campaign |
Member of Mind |
10. Any gifts or hospitality worth more than an estimated value of £50 which you have received by virtue of your office
Member |
22.04.2023 - Funfair entry and rides. Value £19.00. From George Irwin Funfairs |
24.5.2023 - Tickets to Retrograde + guest. Value £40.00. Received from Kiln Theatre |
I declare that I understand that the Brent Members Code of Conduct, adopted by the Council on 14 May 2018, requires me to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests specified in Regulations made by the Secretary of State and to disclose any personal interests as described in the Code. I have carefully considered the Regulations and the Code of Conduct and confirm that this is an accurate list of all my disclosable pecuniary interests and personal interests.