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Register of interests
Councillor Muhammed Butt
This register of interests was published on Wednesday 15 January 2025, 12.08 pm.
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I, Councillor Muhammed Butt, a member of Brent Council give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interests (1 - 7) and personal interests (8 - 10);
1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such
Councillor Brent Council
Childminder HA9
2. Sponsorship
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such
3. Contracts
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such
4. Land
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such
HA9 Details may be requested by contacting the Head of Executive & Member Services.
5. Licences
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such
6. Corporate tenancies
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such
7. Securities
Spouse/Civil Partner/living as such
8. Any body of which you are in a position of general control or management, and to which you are appointed or nominated by the Council
Kiln Theatre
Partners for Brent
West London Partnership
Executive Member for Community Safety at London Councils
Member of London Policing Board
Member of Contest Board
Member of Violence Reduction Unit
Member of Partnership Reference Group
Chair of Economic Prosperity Board, WLA
9. Any body: a) exercising functions of a public nature; b) directed to charitable purposes; c) whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including an political party or trade union) of which you are a member or in a position of general control or management
Labour Party
Co-operative Party
Member, GMB Union
10. Any gifts or hospitality worth more than an estimated value of £50 which you have received by virtue of your office
21/04/18 - Two tickets for the Emirates FA Cup Semi-Final 2018. Value not known. Received from Anthony Angol - Wembley Public Affairs Manager, the FA Group.
19/05/18 - Four tickets to FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium. Valued at £80 each. Gift received from the Football Association.
26/05/18 - Two tickets to Sky Bet Championship Play-off Final at the Wembley Suite. Valued at £80 each. Gift received from Terrapin Communications.
07/09/18 - Two tickets to England v Spain at Wembley Stadium (match date 08/09/18). Estimated total value £170. Received from Anthony Angol - Wembley Public Affairs Manager, the FA Group.
11/09/18 - One ticket to Press Night at Kiln Theatre - Holy Sh!t on 10/09/18. Approximate value £15. Received from the Kiln Theatre.
26/09/18 - Four tickets for Joshua v Povetkin, World Heavyweight Championships at Wembley Arena (match date 22/09/18). Estimated total value £200 per ticket (£80 ticket + £120 catering). Received from Anthony Angol, Wembley Public Affairs Manager
26/09/18 - Lunch with Tottenham Hotspur, accompanied by Carolyn Downs (Chief Executive, Brent Council). Estimated value £17. Received from Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, White Hart Lane, Tottenham, London N17.
23/10/18 - Four tickets for the Philadelphia Eagles vs Jacksonville Jaguars at Wembley Stadium (match date 28/10/18). Value £468 per ticket. Received from the Jacksonville Jaguars.
26/10/18 - Invite to GG2 Leadership Awards 2018 Dinner (event date 24/10/18). Estimated value £40. Received from Asian Media Group
15/10/18 - Berkeley Foundation Dinner. Estimated value £50. Received from the Berkeley Foundation.
01/12/18 - Tropical Sun Foods Hamper. Value £5.00 (price valued by organisers). Received from Tropical Foods - Trinidad Roti Shop
04/12/18 - Two cinema tickets. Valued at £15 total. Received from a Tokyngton resident.
14/01/19 - Three tickets for Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United (match date 13/01/19). Valued at £80 each. Received from Tottenham Hotspur FC
29/01/19 - Sur Dhara - The Universal Illusion music performance (free event). Received from Red Lotus Events
01/02/19 - Invitation to Planning Awards 2019. Estimated value over £50. Received from Faraz Babar, Director for Terrance O’Rouke Ltd
07/02/19 - OPDC Board Member Dinner. Estimated value £50. Received from the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, 169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL.
15/02/19 - Labour Leader's Lunch Invitation - Heathrow Consultation at the Hilton London, Syon Park, Park Road, Brentford, TW8 8JF. Estimated value £50. Received from John Holland-Kaye, Chief Executive Officer, Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd, The Compass Centre, Nelson Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW6 2GW
22/03/19 - Invitation to attend the Asian Business Awards. Estimate value £50. Received from the Asian Media Group
18/05/19 - Two tickets for the FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium. Valued at £80 each. Received from the Football Association.
19/06/19 - Three tickets for Spice Girls concert. Valued at £80 each. Received from Anthony Angol, Community and CSR Manager, the FA Group, Wembley Stadium.
09/09/19 - Two tickets for England v Bulgaria (match date 07/09/19). Valued at £80 each. Received from Anthony Angol, Community and CSR Manager, the FA Group, Wembley Stadium.
25/10/2019 - Political Figure of the Year at the Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden. Value approximately £70.00. Received from Daniel Hughes PR Agency, 4th Floor, Bling Bling Building, 69 Hanover Street, Liverpool L1 3DY
26/9/2019 - Soul of Shaolin Gala Performance - Guest of Honour. Approximate Value £80.00. Received from Room Entertainments, Performance marketing for live experiences, 2nd Floor, 17a Newman Street, London W1T 1PB
09/10/2019 - Invitation to Highways Excellence Awards. Value - approximately £75.00. Received from Awards Highways, 32 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SS
10/10/2019 - Invite to GG2 Leadership Awards 2019. Value - approximately £70.00. Received from Asian Media Group, Garavi Gujarat House, 1 Silex Street, London SE1 0DW
22/10/2019 - Invite to attend the Festival of Ideas at the University of Cambridge. Value - £0. Received from department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge. All cost to and from paid by Cllr M Butt.
31/10/2019 - Invitation to Kickoff on Kismet 2019. Approximate value £50.00. Received from Jacksonvile Jaguars, LLC, 1 TIAA Bank Field, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202
03/11/2019 - Invitation to Jaguars game at Wembley Stadium. Approximate value £38.00. Received from NFL Jacksonville Jaguars, LLC, 1 TIAA Bank Field, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202
6/12/2019 - OPDC Board Member Dinner. Approximate value £50.00. Received from Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation
11/07/2021 - 2 x tickets Final Euro's. Aprroximate value £150.00 x 2. Received from GLA
7/7/2021 - 2 x tickets England v Denmark. Approximate value £150.00 x 2. Received from GLA
13/06/2021 - 2 x tickets England v Croatia. Approximate value £150.00 x 2. Received from GLA
14/05/2022 - 2 x tickets to FA Final. Approximate value £70.00 x 2. Received from The FA
26/05/2022 - Evening Show, Chelsea Flower Showcase - Art for Alperton Development. Value £77.10. Received from Berkely Homes.
29/5/2022 - 2 x Skybet Champion Playoff Final tickets. Approximate value £70.00 x 2. Received from FA
30/5/2022 - Mansion House Meeting/Dinner. Approximate value 2 x £75.00. Received from City of London
prior to May 2018: 10-02-15 Bleu de Chanel (aftershave) estimated value £50-75 from a resident and passed on for the Mayor's charity. 17-09-15 rugby world cup ticket to see Argentina v New Zealand on 20-09-15. 07-10-15 England v Estonia football tickets (x2) on 09-10-15. No face value but estimated at over £25 from Festival Republic Limited. 17-11-15 England v France tickets (x2) on 17-11-15. No face value. Gifted by Melvin Benn, Chairman, Wembley Stadium. 1 bottle of Prosecco and 1 box of chocolates. Value not known. Prize received from BDO Local Government Team. Donated to 'Merry Quizmas' staff quiz.. Tickets for Rihanna concert on 24-06-16 from Wembley Stadium. No face value. 3x scarves, 1x shawl, 1x wind chime, 2x tablecloths, 2x handbags and 1x picture frame from Rangeelu Gujarat artists 23 August 2016. Value unknown, all handmade in India. Tickets to The Wembley Cup (charity event), Wembley Stadium, Fri 2 Sept 2016. No value specified. Gift received from Wembley Stadium. 20/10/2016 - Dinner: GG2 Leadership Awards 2016 for Britain’s most outstanding ethnic minority leaders from the world of politics, business and the public sector. Value not specified. 02/11/2016 - London Chamber of Commerce’s event with Chris Grayling MP at the Berkeley, Wilton Place - dinner to discuss transport strategy and transport issues affecting business in the capital. Value not specified. 10/11/2016 - Dinner: London Property Summit with with Lord Kerslake. Invitation from Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation. Value unknown. 18/11/2016 - Box of Green & Blacks confectionary from Casey Farquharson. Donated to the Mayor of Brent's charity appeal. Value unknown. 22/11/2016 - Invitation to Asian Trader Awards at Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London from Kalpesh R Solanki (Group Managing Editor). Value unknown. 02/02/17 - Invitation to West London Business Awards. Value £57.50. Received from West London Business. 08/03/17 - Signed NFL football. Estimated value £100. Received from Mark Lamping, Team President of the Jacksonville Jaguars. 26/3/17 - 1 X ticket for England v Lithuania. Received from the FA. No face value. 07/04/17 - Ticket for QPR v Brighton - promoting Brent Schools Partnership with QPR . Nil value, Received from Queen's Park Rangers Club. 22/04/17 - Arsenal v Manchester City ticket. Value unknown. Gift received from the Football Association. 22/04/17 - Chelsea v Tottenham ticket and hospitality. Value unknown. Gift receive from Tottenham Football Club. 09/05/17 - Three course meal with developers from the construction industry. Estimated value between £30-40. Received from Terrapin Communications, London. 27/10/17 - London Tigers Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony and Dinner, attended as Leader of the Council. Value unknown. Received from Mesba Ahmed, Chief Executive, London Tigers. 15/11/17 - Four tickets for MTV European Music Awards. Value not known. Received from John Drury - VP & General Manager, the SSE Arena, Wembley. 31/01/2018 - Five tickets to Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United. Gift from the Football Association. Value £0. 28/03/2018 - 2 tickets to England v Italy match at Wembley Stadium on 27/03/18 - received from Football Association. Match attended with Cllr Krupa Sheth to promote a new work experience programme supporting young care leavers into employment in the events and hospitality industry so specified as nil value.
19/07/2022 - Post service lunch, Tony Pidgley Memorial at the Hutong Restaurant, The Shard. Value £55.00. Received from St George Berkeley Group
31/10/2022 - SME Labour Business Awards. value £35. Received from Amazon Web Services
21/02/2023 - 2 x Final tickets for the Careabo Cup Final on 26 February 2023. Value £80 x 2. Received from The FA
23/04/2023 - 2 Semi Final tickets - Manchester United v Brighton HA. Value £80,00 x 2. Received from the FA
13/05/2023 - 2 tickets for Wembley Arena - KSI Match. Value £50.00 x 2. Received from Misfits Boxing
26.5.2023 - 2 x FA Cup final tickets for 3 June 2023. Value £100 x 2. From the FA
12..06.2023 - 3 x tickets to Harry Styles concert for 13 June 2023. Value 3 x £100. Received from Wembley Stadium
4.8.2023 - 3 x tickets for Sunday for the 6th August 2023 FA Community Shield. Value £30.00 x 3. From the FA
06.09.2023 - Bunch of Interflora flowers from a resident. Value £30.00
21.2.2024 - 4 tickets for Liverpool & Chelsea match on 25.2.2024. Approximate value £80.00 x 4. Received from the FA
5.3.2024 - Diversity and Leadership Awards. Approximate value £50.00. Received from Asian Media Group
26.3.2024. 4 tickets for England v Belgium game. Approximate value £80 x 4 = £320. Received from the FA
21.4.2024. 5 tickets for Coventry v Manchester United game. Approximate value 5 x £80 = £400. Received from the FA
25.5.2024. 5 tickets for FA Cup final. £80 x 5 = £400. Received from the FA
01.06.2024. 1 ticket to Champions League Final Wembley Stadium. Value £500.00. Received from UEFA
10.8.2024. 5 tickets for Manchester United v Manchester City Community Shield. Value £80.00 each. received from the FA
10.8.2024. 5 tickets for Manchester United v Manchester City Community Shield. Value £80.00 each. received from the FA
21.9.2024. 6 tickets to Joshua/Dubois Fight at Wembley Stadium. Value £125 each. Received from The FA
14.11.2024. 4 tickets for England v Ireland football match. Value £80.00 each. Received from the FA
14.01.2025. Box of Chocolates. Value 40.00 received from Winston Churchill Lycee
I declare that I understand that the Brent Members Code of Conduct, adopted by the Council on 14 May 2018, requires me to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests specified in Regulations made by the Secretary of State and to disclose any personal interests as described in the Code. I have carefully considered the Regulations and the Code of Conduct and confirm that this is an accurate list of all my disclosable pecuniary interests and personal interests.
Register of interests for Councillor Muhammed Butt
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