Issue - decisions
Authority to participate in the London Highways Contract for highway services
12/12/2012 - Authority to participate in the London Highways Contract for Highway Services
(i) that agreement be given to the adoption of Transport for London’s London Highways Alliance Contract as the Council’s method of delivery for highways maintenance services from 1 April 2013;
(ii) that approval be given to the award of a call-off contract with Conway AECOM for core highways maintenance services and improvement schemes as set out in paragraph 4.1 for 8 years for the services listed in paragraph 3.7.2 of the report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services;
(iii) that it be acknowledged that the value of the contract for the provision of highways maintenance services is estimated to be circa £62.4m over the duration of the contract;
(iv) that the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Member for Highways and Transportation, the authority to finalise the terms of the call off contract and to agree any additional payment required under the contract to the contractor named above as a result of legal obligations on TUPE and pension protection.
Note the TUPE implications set out in section 7;
(v) that authority be delegated to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the lead member, to finalise the terms of the call off contract and to agree any additional payment required under the contract to the contractor named above as a result of legal obligations on TUPE and pension protection and more exceptionally, payments that might be made for severance.