Issue - decisions
Procurement of community based mental health based support
22/04/2013 - Authority for procurement of community based mental health support
(i) that the findings of the Brent Mental Health Services Review be noted;
(ii) that officers be authorised to advance communication with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and other sub-regional partners as set out in paragraph 3.11 and 3.12 of the report from the Interim Director of Adult Social Services;
(iii) that approval be given to an exemption from the usual tendering requirements of Contract Standing Orders to allow the following of a competitive dialogue process for the good operational reasons set out in the report;
(iv) that approval be given to the placement of an advert asking for potential providers to express interest in participating in a competitive dialogue as set out in paragraph 3.16 of the Director’s report;
(v) that officers carry out service user and community consultations, market research and determine the market readiness for the use of a tender in the form a competitive dialogue, as the first stage in the competitive dialogue process, as set out in paragraph 3.16 of the report;
(vi) that approval be given to the timetable set out in paragraph 3.17 of the Director’s report;
(vii) that it be noted that a further report would be presented in July 2013 for the purpose of approving the pre-tender considerations as required by Contract Standing Orders, including a final recommendation that a competitive dialogue route will proceed where a favourable response arises from the expression of interest.