Issue - decisions
Outcome of the Strategic Review of the Brent Schools Portfolio
29/08/2012 - Outcome of the Strategic Review of the Brent Schools Portfolio
(i) that approval be given to the current and future allocation of capital set out in Section 4.0 of the report from the Directors of Children and Families and Regeneration and Major Projects;
(ii) that the current and future demand for primary school places as set out in Section 5.0 of the Directors’ report be noted;
(iii) that the strategy for the delivery of primary school places as set out in Section 5.0 of the report be approved;
(iv) that it be noted that an additional report will be submitted to the Executive on the strategy to deliver secondary school places by December 2012;
(v) that it be noted that the demand for new school places cannot be met only through expansion of existing schools due to the limited availability of funding; the Council is required to promote additional ways of creating school places by pursuing the current government agenda on free schools and academies.
(vi) that agreement be given to the criteria set out in Appendix 3 of the Directors’ report, specifically in relation to the provision of new Free Schools and Academies;
(vii) that agreement be given to the proposal to acquire Fulton Road (Quintain) and Oriental City properties for the purpose of developing new schools as part of the S106 developer’s agreement. Terms to be advised to the Executive for approval;
(viii) that approval be given to the principle of creating a new school expansion team as set out in Section 9.0 of the report, which would be subject to a further approval of a business case;
(ix) that the provision of new temporary ‘bulge’ classes for the academic year 2012-13, as per Appendix 2 of this report, which includes removal of Stonebridge Day Care Centre and Preston Library from the current Council disposal programme for duration of 3-years and 7-years, respectively be noted.