Issue - decisions
Application to the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 for external grant funding (Officer Non Key Recordable Decision)
29/11/2024 - Application to the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 for external grant funding (Officer Non Key Recordable Decision)
That the Corporate Director, Partnerships, Housing and Resident Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Employment, Innovation and Climate Action:
(1) Approve the submission of an application for grant funding as part of a Pan-London consortium bid, coordinated by London Councils, to the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund in the sum of £1.23M.
(2) Note that to qualify for grant funding set out in (1) above, the Council is required to co-fund the sum of £2.46m to deliver the energy efficiency works.
(3) Note that the Corporate Director, Finance and Resources, as required as part of the Consortia Member Declaration, also approve the submission of the application for grant funding as set out in (1) above.