Issue - decisions
Authority to Direct Award of Contract for the Provision of Street Outreach, Housing Advice and Resettlement Services for Rough Sleepers (Non-Key Recordable Officer Decision)
28/03/2024 - Authority to Direct Award of Contract for the Provision of Street Outreach, Housing Advice and Resettlement Services for Rough Sleepers (Non-Key Recordable Officer Decision)
That the Corporate Director Resident Services:
i) Notes the Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Renters Security has granted an exemption from the requirement to tender for a contract for the provision of street outreach, housing advice and resettlement services for rough sleepers.
ii) Notes the Contract Standing Order 89 considerations.
iii) Approves the direct award of the contract for the provision of street outreach, housing advice and resettlement services for a period of 13 months from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2025 in the sum of £390,420.90 including VAT to St Mungo Community Housing Association.