Issue - decisions
Approval to Waive Contract Standing Orders to Permit Procurement of a Contract for the Provision of Street Outreach Housing Advice and Resettlement Services for Rough Sleepers through a Direct Award (Non-Key Cabinet Member Decision)
28/03/2024 - Approval to Waive Contract Standing Orders to Permit Procurement of a Contract for the Provision of Street Outreach Housing Advice and Resettlement Services for Rough Sleepers through a Direct Award (Non-Key Cabinet Member Decision)
That the Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Renters Security, having consulted with the Leader:
i) Approves an exemption pursuant to Contract Standing Order 84 (a) of the requirement to tender a contract for the provision of Street Outreach, Housing Advice and Resettlement Services for rough sleepers to permit a direct award for a period of 13 months from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2025, in accordance with paragraph 12 of Part 3 of the Constitution.