Issue - decisions
London Councils Grant Scheme 2012/2013
18/01/2012 - London Councils Voluntary Sector Grants Scheme
(i) that the recommended budget for the London Councils Grant Scheme and the contribution of £377,097 to be paid by the Council towards the London Boroughs Grants Scheme for 2012/13 be agreed.
(ii) that the reallocation of the sum of £83,832, which is no longer paid towards the London Boroughs Grant Scheme, be agreed by:-
(a) allocating the sum of £24,583 to cover the overspend created by the increase in the contribution sought from London Councils during 2011/2012 (as set out in paragraph 4.3 of this report), and by;
(b) allocating the remaining sum of £59,249 to Brent Council’s Voluntary Sector Initiative Fund.