Issue - decisions
Deputations (if any)
28/11/2022 - Deputations (if any)
No deputations were received at the meeting.
27/09/2022 - Deputations (if any)
NOTED the deputation received from Keith Anderson (representing Kilburn Village Residents Association, three neighbouring Resident Associations and the Kilburn Forum) regarding the Kilburn Square Infill Scheme. Whilst recognising the impact of the increasing demand for affordable, family sized social housing within the borough, concerns were expressed as part of the deputation about the proposed scale and shape of the Kilburn Square Infill scheme and resulting impact on the wellbeing and quality of life for both new and existing residents in the area. In noting the reduction in scale of the proposals from those originally planned and benefits from some of the landscape and infrastructure improvements proposed, it was felt that the revised scheme would still have a detrimental impact on existing amenity space (involving the removal of green space and trees) and in terms of damaging the estates existing sense of place. Concerns were also raised in relation to the extent of the consultation and engagement undertaken with local residents and overall balance of the scheme when tacking account of the views expressed by the local community. As a result Mr Anderson advised that the deputation was asking the Council to reconsider the current scale of the proposals in advance of the final planning application being submitted.
In welcoming and responding to the deputation, Councillor Knight, as Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Renters Security whilst understanding the concerns highlighted, felt there was also a need to recognise the scale and impact of the current level of housing need and demand for affordable social housing across the borough. In seeking to address the balance between meeting this need and minimising the impact on existing local residents she felt it important to recognise the level of engagement undertaken, which alongside the planned enhancements to communal amenity space and public realm across the estate, had resulted in significant changes being made to the overall scale and design of the Kilburn Square scheme. Whilst acknowledging the concerns raised it was felt the current proposals therefore provided a balance in seeking to minimise the impact on new and existing residents given the scale of housing need to be addressed.
15/07/2022 - Deputations (if any)
NOTED the deputation received from Mr John Poole regarding pollution in Wealdstone Brook and support residents were seeking to address the issues identified. Having reminded members about the course of the brook running through Harrow & Brent, he highlighted the detrimental impact on residents as a result of the current levels of pollution, including untreated sewage, within the brook. Concerns were expressed at what he regarded as a lack of co-ordination between relevant agencies in seeking to tackle the issues and also that the Council had not sought to declare the current levels of pollution as a major incident, given what he felt to be the impact on public health, with examples provided at the meeting. As a result he urged the Council to ensure those agencies responsible took the necessary steps to clean up the pollution within the brook and also rectify the cause of the problems.
In responding to the deputation, Councillor Krupa Sheth, as Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure & Climate Action advised that she recognised the frustrations and concerns expressed regarding current levels of contamination within the brook. As a result she highlighted the work being undertaken with Thames Water and the Environment Agency (as the main regulatory bodies with shared responsibility for maintenance of the brook) in seeking to ensure the necessary action was taken to not only clear the pollution but also to detect and rectify the source, which it was understood had been linked to wrongly connected foul sewers and the unlawful discharge of toxic substances. In explaining the reasons for not seeking to declare a major incident, members were also advised of the work being undertaken with Public Health to monitor the impact on the local population with no evidence of any specific associated health issues being highlighted to date. In summing up and thanking Mr Poole for his deputation, an assurance was provided that work would continue with the relevant partner agencies to ensure the necessary action was taken to address and respond to the pollution within the brook.