Issue - decisions
Authority to Award Watling Gardens Design and Build Contract
20/06/2022 - Authority to Award Watling Gardens Design and Build Contract
Cabinet RESOLVED, having noted the confirmation provided at the meeting that the total number of homes to be converted to Shared Ownership under the proposal was 24 and waiver of call-in obtained relating to the decision on the grounds of urgency, to approve (as amended at the meeting):
(1) The tenure changes of 24 homes (19 x 1 bedroom homes and 5 x 2 bedroom) from London Affordable Rent to Shared Ownership, subject to the approval of the Local Planning Authority.
(2) To approve the award of the design and build contract for Watling Gardens to Hill Partnerships Ltd in the sum of £38,535,634, conditional on the approval of the Local Planning Authority to tenure changes and subject to such additional sums to reflect the tenure changes and Planning consent amendment referred to under (1) above, to a limit of £480,000.00 allowed for in the total scheme costs as detailed within Appendix 1 (classified as containing exempt information) of the report.