Issue - decisions
Authority to Tender for the Design & Build Contract at 1 Morland Gardens, Stonebridge
12/01/2021 - Authority to Tender for the Design & Build Contract at 1 Morland Gardens, Stonebridge
(1) To approve the inviting of tenders via a mini-competition under the Notting Hill Genesis Contractor Framework agreement for a contractor on the basis of the pre-tender considerations set out in paragraph 3.5 of the report.
(2) To approve delegating authority to award the contract for the Morland Gardens Redevelopment Design and Build Contract following the successful outcome of the tender exercise to the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Regeneration, Property and Planning and Schools, Employment and Skills.
(3) That should the procurement exercise described in paragraph 3.5 of the report not elicit sufficient bids in order for officers to propose the awarding of the contract, to delegate authority to approve inviting tenders using an alternative procurement method and any resultant pre-tender considerations to the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Regeneration, Property and Planning and Schools, Employment and Skills.