Issue - decisions
Approval to apply to Charity Commission for permission to incur specified items of expenditure on Barham Park from restricted funds
14/01/2019 - Approval to apply to Charity Commission for permission to incur specified items of expenditure on Barham Park from restricted funds
i) That the proposed items of expenditure up to the total estimated sum of £167k as set out in the table in paragraph 3.1 of the report, to be paid from the Trust’s restricted funds and permanent endowment arising from the sale proceeds of 776 and 778 Harrow Road, Wembley HA0 2HE, be approved;
ii) That officers seek permission of the Charity Commission to spend the estimated sum stated in resolution i) from the Trust’s restricted funds using the procedure set out in section 282 of the Charities Act 2011;
iii) That officers be authorised to submit the necessary application for permission to the Charity Commission and authority be delegated to the Operational Director Environmental Services to progress the application and deal with any issues, requirements and queries arising that are raised by the Charity Commission;
iv) That officers be authorised to give public notice of this resolution if it is directed to do so by the Charity Commission pursuant to section 283 of the Charities Act 2011.