Issue - decisions
Decision to delegate authority for the award of contract(s) with the successful tenderer(s) for three named schemes within in the South Kilburn Regeneration Programme
12/12/2017 - Decision to delegate authority for the award of contracts for three named schemes within the South Kilburn Regeneration Programme
19.1 The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Lead Member Regeneration, Growth, Employment and Skills be delegated authority to award the contract for a Multi-Disciplinary Design Team to progress with the design process to prepare a detailed planning application for the proposed comprehensive redevelopment of the 1-8 Neville, 1-64 Winterelys, 113-128 Carlton House and Carlton Hall Site;
19.2 The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Lead Member Regeneration, Growth, Employment and Skills be delegated authority to award the contract for an architecturally led Multi-Disciplinary Design Team to progress the design process to prepare a detailed planning application for the proposed comprehensive redevelopment of the Hereford House and Exeter Court Site; and
19.3 The Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Lead Member Regeneration, Growth, Employment and Skills to be delegated award a contract for a Developer Partner for the Redevelopment of the Chippenham Gardens Site.